• The law of conservation of energy means that solar heat which warms the earth has to go somewhere.

    ECONOMIST: The hole story of global warming

  • The law of the conservation of energy, so significant in science and philosophy, was formulated four times independently in 1847, by Joule, Thomson, Colding and Helmholz.

    NEWYORKER: In the Air

  • Steve Galster's comment about "studying the world to death" certainly communicated this concern, the future of conservation in many cases should focus on law enforcement, local initiatives and strong action, and conservation funding should reflect this direction.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • This Congress did it all in one bill, and also enacted other big measures, such as an expansion of children's health insurance and a broad land-conservation law.

    ECONOMIST: America's democracy

  • In Australia, the great white is protected by both domestic and international law, having been cited as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 1996.

    CNN: Even after attacks on humans, sharks should be protected

  • The Interior Department rushed to complete the rules in three months over the objections of lawmakers and environmentalists who argued that they would weaken how a landmark conservation law is applied.

    CNN: Bush set to relax endangered species rules

  • Steve Hinchman, staff attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation in Maine, says this would force automakers to develop cleaner versions of most cars.

    NPR: States Push Automakers on Fuel Efficiency

  • This is because the current legal and policy regimes under relevant international legal instruments, and especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Convention on Biological Diversity, do not specifically deal with the conservation and sustainable and equitable use of the biodiversity of the deep seabed.


  • "For the 35 years since I founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, I have strived to act non-violently and within the boundaries of the law, " Watson said.


  • At the heart of the cases is the interpretation of a state law passed in 1981 that says regulation of the oil and gas industry rests solely with the state Department of Environmental Conservation, which "supersedes" local laws and ordinances.

    WSJ: NY appeals court to consider local fracking bans

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