Now completely awake, she lay in bed, agitated, wondering whether she should risk another pill.
The Texas coast bore the bulk of Ike's power, and areas lay in ruins Tuesday.
The only chance lay in forcing a pause that would allow the bargaining to begin.
The real challenges lay in providing food and water, rebuilding infrastructure and guaranteeing basic security.
The couch where she lay in his office was blue leather and very soft.
For two years, his body lay in the Gokwe District Hospital mortuary in north-west Zimbabwe.
Soon enough our daily costumes lay in an unseemly ruined pile at our feet.
He lay in bed with only his face outside the covers, making clouds of vapor.
It also lay in the fact that it is not rooted in any intellectual context.
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Kennedy lay in repose Thursday evening after his flag-draped casket arrived at the John F.
The commission chairman told local TV the problem lay in organising the expatriate vote.
Most of the bodies that once lay in the streets of Port-au-Prince have been moved.
But Bob Byrd and his family chose to lay in state in the Senate chamber.
So sick he couldn't walk, Benton lay in his hospital bed bitter and resentful.
Nava lay in bed in the corner of their room, hiding under the blankets.
Its roots lay in a campaign by the Akali Dal, the Sikhs' main political party.
He added the solution lay in investing in community services to take the strain off hospitals.
BBC: Full hospitals creating potential danger, analysis says
So the key to building the new stadium lay in holding back the sea.
It was 1988, and at age 22 he saw the future lay in telecommunications.
South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali, lay in smoldering ruins Monday after four days of fighting.
CNN: Bush to Russia: Reverse 'unacceptable' course in Georgia
The money lay in designing desirable handsets, manufacturing them cheaply and distributing them widely.
But as she grew up, it soon became evident that her talents lay in drama and singing.
Mr Llwyd said the way forward lay in properly supervised community sentences, rather than short jail terms.
BBC: Swansea jail third most overcrowded - Prison Reform Trust
We lay in bed, in the dark, at night, thinking about all the ways things have changed.
That night, as she lay in bed on her rock-hard mattress, Luda continued to think about Milena.
But the real roots of the crisis lay in such different economies sharing the same interest rate.
But Diddley said that while rhythm was important, the secret to good songwriting lay in something else.
Its artistic roots lay in surrealism, its philosophical ones in existentialism, even though Debord spat on both.
Prestige lay in having a husband who was successful enough to keep his wife out of the workplace.
But a conviction of Jeffrey Skilling cannot be accomplished without a thorough lashing of Lay in this trial.