The Texas coast bore the bulk of Ike's power, and areas lay in ruins Tuesday.
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The team's fabled batting line-up, stuffed with ageing legends, lay in ruins, mowed down by a bunch of terrific young Australian speedsters.
BBC: Indian cricket's end of an era
But after numerous invasions by forces vying for the Polish throne as well as an accidental fire in 1844, the abbey lay in ruins until 1939, when 11 monks formed an order there again.
BBC: Forgotten landscapes outside Krakow
The restoration of service to the old South Ferry was a step MTA officials had once ruled out, even as the modern station beneath it lay in ruins after filling with brackish, corrosive floodwater during the Oct. 29 storm.
WSJ: Downtown, Old Stop on Subway to Reopen
South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali, lay in smoldering ruins Monday after four days of fighting.
CNN: Bush to Russia: Reverse 'unacceptable' course in Georgia