Fastow's job was to confirm those previous reports--and drag Lay into the same circle of knowledge.
And, of course, they are exciting politically, with lots of opportunity for the main parties to lay into one another.
More likely, the SEC will settle that case rather than draw a bereaved Linda Lay into another course of lengthy litigation.
But for my money, Dengue Fever really hit their stride when they rock out and let Nimol lay into quirky, melodramatic Khmer melodies.
Typically she hit back, instructing two of her senior officials at one stage to lay into the Canadian hosts for increasing their trade with South Africa.
Perhaps that is because the formidable Labour Millbank machine did all it could four years ago to lay into any minor fiddle or question of probity hanging over the head of any Conservative MP.
When oil is hot, lay wedges into pan and fry both sides until well-crisped and deep golden brown, 8-10 minutes total.
Long hiring freezes seem likely and some businesses will be forced into lay-offs.
The classic distinction between golden eggs and the geese that lay them fell into disfavor in 1969, the era of go-go stock funds.
Finally, I put the book aside and lay gazing upward into darkness.
Great necessities call out great virtues ... qualities which would otherwise lay dormant wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman.
Scotland have not played since their series victory in Argentina in June and Robinson took the lay-off into account as he gathered his squad together for a three-day training camp in St Andrews this week.
He was forced into two lay-offs around this time last year because of back pains and took a long winter break to work on his fitness.
After the war, the group transformed itself into a lay religious organisation, adopting the name Soka Gakkai (Value-Creation Society), and embracing the faith of the 700-year-old Nichiren Shoshu sect.
He doubled back toward Cambridge on a roundabout and pulled into a lay-by off the highway, a place of oily, littered grass with a kiosk on worn bare ground which sold hot dogs and burgers to lorry drivers.
She added that lay members would initially look into complaint before referring the issue to the elected members of the committee.
But the sales raise questions about the kind of company Lay created while turning a pipeliner into a marketmaker to the world.
What we can't figure out is how the word "Shasta" fits into all this so lay it on us Cyberpunks if you know.
ENGADGET: Slim Amazon Kindle 'Shasta' to be first with WiFi?
We offered to get a cot, but he said no thanks, folded his suit jacket inside out into a pillow, lay down on the floor and promptly fell asleep.
He and his co-founder Vincent Carbone were forced to lay-off all staff and retreat into a business incubator at Stevens Tech.
There was no lay-by for us to pull into and let him by, and the Dormobile can't get above 25mph on serious hills.
He needed an eagle on the 578-yard 18th to tie, but drove into sand and had to lay up short of the water.
We have producer Joe Henry to thank for getting the reluctant 82-year-old legend back into the recording studio to lay down new songs.
To serve, ladle the miso soup into 2 wide shallow bowls, scoop the noodles into the soup, and lay the bok choy and fish on top of that.
With tact and care, the movie digs into all the subjects that lay concealed below the surface when Max Ophuls and Douglas Sirk were filming their own melodramas in the nineteen-fifties.
In Gough Square, in front of Samuel Johnson's tall and staring house, I stopped for a while to watch a workman digging up a drain, taking the opportunity to gaze down into the rich strata that lay beneath the London pavement.
WSJ: Alan Bradley on Writing About an England He'd Never Seen | Traveler's Tale