Two big U.S. oil companies merge and lay off young Muslim workers who turn into terrorists.
He had to lay off dozens of staffers, you know, lower level of staffers.
Or should we let the private banking system take over and have regulators lay off?
But with carmakers looking to lay off thousands of workers, executives at Ford and G.
As a businessman, will it increase my costs and force me to lay off workers?
Government at all levels, national state and local is being forced to lay off people.
As we lay off all these government workers, the private sector will suffer terribly.
This is not the first time I have had to lay off an employee.
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Second, IBM now has incentive to lay off or fire employees before that Dec. 15 date.
America's more flexible jobs market makes it far easier and cheaper to lay off workers.
And because they've stopped spending money, more businesses have been forced to lay off more workers.
All over the country, budget cuts are forcing schools to lay off teachers in startling numbers.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Jamestown, North Carolina | The White House
The military should also make it easier to lay off officers who are performing poorly.
CSFB, its investment-banking subsidiary, this week said it would lay off a further 1, 750 staff.
It plans to lay off about 900 employees, most of them located in the Philippines.
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Besides revenue growth, he'll likely lay off thousands and shut down overlapping parts of the networks.
Insurance companies, for example, could be in an EBOT to lay off risks of weather-related catastrophe claims.
Once those mills close, the businesses that supply them also would be forced to lay off workers.
The logical thing is to lay off one and save the cost of his or her salary.
Pfizer also announced earnings that beat expectations but will lay off 8, 700 employees and halve its dividend.
Companies sometimes lay off workers before selling assets to make them more profitable and attractive to buyers.
Indeed, often stock prices rise as firms lay off workers to drive up profits through leaner payrolls.
All in all, they plan to lay off 150 of their 3, 000 employees, or 5% of their workforce.
Earlier this month, for instance, Caterpillar announced plans to lay off workers in Milwaukee, Decatur, Ill. and Brussels.
And still, but for the charges to write down assets and lay off workers, Donnelley would be profitable.
Without the mandatory dues payments, the teachers union had to lay off 40% of its staff last year.
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On Wednesday, mortgage lender IndyMac Bancorp said it will lay off 24% of its workforce, or 2, 403 people.
Because they allow investors to lay off the risk of borrowers' defaults, they free lenders to lend more.
The use of derivatives to lay off and buy credit risk can also obscure sources of credit exposure.
That is to say, they cannot try to lay off the bad teachers while saving the good ones.