To leave behind all they knew in hopes that something better lay over the horizon.
Meanwhile it lay over our lawns and sidewalks and front steps, it coated our maple trees and telephone poles.
ADM's factory in Clinton, Iowa will produce PHA for uses such as antiweed sheets for farmers to lay over their tilled fields.
The rich oil fields of the Caspian Sea lay over 1, 800 miles to the west, while there were unstable neighbours less than a couple of miles to the south.
The ground was soft and swampy, fallen tree branches lay over the paths, I heard the obsessive self-hypnotizing cicadas, the gulp of the bullfrogs, and knew with an animal sense only lately developed in me that there were some four-footed creatures about.
In order to maintain fiscally sound in the short-term, San Jose has been forced to lay off over 200 officers.
Oil the steak well on both sides, and lay it over the hottest part of the grill or directly over the coals.
Last week, two tech firms, including telecommunications-giant Nortel Networks, said they expected to lay off over 300 people due to softening market conditions.
First, because Mr. Lay was over age 55 and had served for more than 5 years, if he voluntarily retired all of his restricted stock would immediately vest.
Whether they hug a winner or in the rare case, destroy a dying loser, whether they walk away from the carcass or lay crying over it, their fondness for these fighters is manifest.
Lay the fillets over the paper and roast them in a 300-degree oven for about 25 minutes.
WSJ: Jenn Louis's Rock-Salt-Roasted Salmon and Turnips | Slow Food Fast
But England can lay claim to victories over the USA and Slovenia under Capello at Wembley.
Mr. Mathews and his designers lay onionskin tracing paper over the maps and brainstorm lifts, slopes and base areas, sketching ideas with pencils.
WSJ: Paul Mathews of Ecosign, Scouting the World for Killer Ski Slopes | Creating
But pretty soon I realized that the pleasure I was getting from listening over and over, lay in the fact that this is a jam album.
He lay in bed going over a paper he had to deliver at a Health Protection conference the next day while Suzie sorted piles of clean laundry and put them away.
Aluminum foil as wrinkle remover: To get wrinkles out of silk, wool, and rayon clothes that can't take direct heat, place a piece of foil on your ironing board, then lay the garment flat over it.
"The South Africans are absolutely determined to come over here and lay down a marker, " he told BBC Sport.
And unemployment is now a big worry, as construction firms and estate agencies fall over themselves to lay off staff.
To concentrate the heat and keep it from escaping, lay a sheet of foil over the grill for 10 minutes.
For a decade, it lay fallow as officials tussled over its fate.
Cattermole almost made it four on the stroke of half-time but his fierce strike from a neat Agbonlahor lay-off flew just over.
Ms. DIONNE THOMPSON (Evacuee): Comfortable place to lay your head, roof over your head, but it's starting to wear out, and I've been here seven and a half weeks.
The real difference lay in male circumcision: over 98% of the men in the West African areas were circumcised, compared with about 30% in Kenya and 10% in Zambia.
He turned the croc over unceremoniously and it lay transfixed, as if in a trance.
Or should we let the private banking system take over and have regulators lay off?
And finally, I'd like to recognize the rabbis and lay leaders who traveled from all over the country to be here.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Hanukkah Reception
Quentin Willson, motoring journalist and former Top Gear presenter, insists he has nothing to be ashamed of when he pulls over to use a lay-by.