And could Nievert justify laying out a few billion in cash for the debt-laden Sonora?
As a father, I started by laying out some nurturing father principles and assumptions.
The plaintiffs filed a new 314 page complaint laying out each allegation in abundant detail.
FORBES: Dahn Yoga Founder Ilchi Lee Resigns Amid Suits Alleging Brain Washing and Sex Abuse
Now, part of that is laying out the choice between him and his opponent.
Laying out demands in G7 communiques is not how you do business with Saudi Arabia.
FORBES: Oil Hits $100 A Barrel: Time For The Strategic Reserve?
Merely laying out a new direction is not enough to get people actually to change direction.
FORBES: Culture Change and the Catholic Church: What Pope Francis Can Learn From Past Leaders
Want to see the two rivals close up without laying out that kind of scratch?
Expect potential challengers to start laying out their stalls in a not-so-subtle way in the coming days.
In laying out an online regulatory regime America is likely to err on the side of caution.
Still, the report does a good job of laying out the issues, hopes, and problems surrounding natural gas.
Mr. Glaser began by experimenting with fonts, laying out the tourist slogan in a variety of friendly typefaces.
Changizi begins by laying out the reasons why reading is not an instinctual skill, but a learned ability.
He was cited as an "absentee landlord" in a Justice Department document laying out reasons for the lawyers' dismissals.
These findings are aimed at urban planners, county and city councils and other groups involved in laying out communities.
Avid ocean fisherman Anthony Hsieh has never had a problem laying out big money to finance his favorite hobby.
Otherwise we will all be selling ice cream and laying out sun beds.
FORBES: Dennis Gartman: 'Europe, Beware The Russian Mafia' (And Other Quotes Of The Week)
John Murphy, chief technical strategist at produced several charts laying out the bearish technical case for the builders.
Well, let's just say that developers aren't going to be laying out big bucks to invest in the platform.
But, at long last, it seems that some of the main builders are laying out their positions more clearly.
They also showed their differences on immigration, laying out their visions for reform.
Unfortunately, Joel is the autobiographical hero as abashed apologist, laying out and criticizing his experiences without exposing his core.
Dell questioned Southeastern on the mechanics of what it suggested, prompting Southeastern to send spreadsheets laying out its investment idea.
FORBES: Real Mastermind Behind Dell Buyout? Perhaps Not Billionaire Michael Dell
Kilar seems to be laying out a way for content providers to profit off of the changes by embracing Hulu.
But as Jay said, AARP, other outside organizations have been out there laying out what it would mean for seniors.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Gaggle aboard the Press Bus en route Davenport, IA
These use a cheaper method of culling called "free shooting", which involves laying out bait and shooting badgers at night.
Instead criminals "should be punished in the pocket", Conservative Mr Lloyd said in an open letter laying out policing proposals.
BBC: PCC David Lloyd: 'Make suspects pay for police cell stay'
Your troubles will start when your broker mails you the 1099 tax statement, laying out your cap gains and dividend income.
You put in time and potentially money, and you get back a piece of paper laying out what you already know.
FORBES: Risk Assessments: The Most Important Effort You're Doing All Wrong
Along one wall, hidden behind Ford banners, are confidential charts laying out Ford's pickup truck strategy for the next five years.
This news was already expected to be announced this week, but now Microsoft is laying out more details surrounding this migration.
FORBES: Confirmed: Microsoft To Kill Windows Live Messenger in 2013