The Consumer Product Safety Commission has recalled more than three and a half million toys since June because of lead contamination.
NPR: Do Home Lead-Testing Kits Work?
Climate scientists can also find kinship with Dr. Herbert Needleman, who identified a link between lead contamination and impaired childhood brain development in the 1970s.
WSJ: Climate Contrarians Ignore Overwhelming Evidence �� Letters to the Editor
This month, the magazine publishes a special investigation into lead contamination.
NPR: Do Home Lead-Testing Kits Work?
Popular in this corner of southeastern Massachusetts, yo-yoing is reviled by many sports anglers as unsportsmanlike and a potential source of toxic lead contamination to the fish -- and the people who eat them.
WSJ: For Massachusetts Fishermen, A Weighty Debate About Fair Play
Shale-gas producers also face opposition from greens, who object to the industry's heavy water usage and a small risk that fracking could lead to contamination of aquifers and even to earthquakes.
ECONOMIST: The ��golden age of gas�� could be cleaner than greens think
That can lead to bacterial contamination or worse if the wrong sort of liquid is used.
Local residents have expressed concern that the process - known as fracking - could lead to the contamination of the water supply.
BBC: Keynsham fracking plans put on hold by UK Methane
In declaring the emergency, Peru's Environment Ministry said the contamination included high levels of lead, barium and chromium as well as petroleum-related compounds.
NPR: Peru Declares Amazon Oil Contamination Emergency
Farmers, too, are grumbling, saying that instead of greater yields, transgenic seeds lead to greater use of chemicals and the probable contamination of nearby conventional crops.
The department also recommended lead-free bullets as the simplest solution to possible contamination.
CNN: Should hunters switch to 'green' bullets?
Heavy-metal contamination in China's soil also includes high amounts of lead and arsenic.
WSJ: Cadmium-Tainted Rice Found in Guangzhou