Decades of research has shown that lead poisoning causes significant and probably irreversible damage to the brain.
They suffered from lead poisoning, and to a lesser degree so did customers who bought their plates and cups.
Nine cases of lead poisoning were recorded from January to August last year.
Those scraps sometimes contain pieces of lead bullets, and lead poisoning is thought to be a contributor to condor deaths.
All of it points to one simple idea: violent crime rose as a result of lead poisoning because of leaded gasoline.
Met-Mex insists that none of the children in its database of previously exposed patients exhibits long-term effects associated with lead poisoning.
ECONOMIST: Lead pollution has caused a lasting public-health blight
Still, the health department recommended that children younger than 6 and pregnant women stop eating venison shot with lead bullets because those groups are at particular risk for lead poisoning, even at low levels.
Most of the CPSC injury data is based on reports of emergency room visits, something a child who has ingested lead will usually avoid unless he or she develops an acute case of lead poisoning.
Curiously, Rhode Island is also one of the few states where the attorney-general has not endorsed moves by the paint industry to minimise the chance of lead poisoning by publishing warnings and providing training on how to deal with surfaces that may have been coated with lead-based paint.
All joking aside -- and I know you have a second question, but I just want to focus on this -- lead poisoning, a lot of it from lead paint, from older homes all across the country and all across the Midwest is something that we have to be more aggressive on.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
Though not a doctor or a nurse, she wore a white coat and told him that he was indeed suffering from lead and mercury poisoning.
Strip mines, mountaintop removal, polluted watersheds, Black Lung, mercury poisoning, airborne lead and other toxic pollutants, and acid rain.
It is also expect to lead or share policy on food poisoning organisms, animal feed, food hygiene, genetically-modified food and other novel processes.