You have to study--learn about insects, learn how to read water, learn how to cast.
You learn how to learn -- how to think critically and find solutions to unexpected challenges.
What's needed, he says, are computer programs that learn how to learn things.
Second, they learn how to learn.
FORBES: How to Bring Quality Online Education to a Global Student Population
He explained that he pursued his work more to learn how the human brain works than to learn about how to build a more sophisticated machine.
Now I'm going to have to learn how to do timetables that I don't want to learn.
Students will learn how to focus on critical thinking skills and how to best leverage informational tools like Watson in helping them learn how to diagnose and treat patients.
ENGADGET: Cleveland Clinic and IBM team up to make Watson a Doctor (video)
We go to great effort to learn how to read and calculate in school and then invest even more time and effort to learn professional skills, from evaluating market research to judging the success of a campaign.
Recognising the existence of these socio-economic and psychological barriers to education, the German Adult Education Association (GAEA) initiated the Ich-will-lernen (I want to learn) Programme in an effort to provide functionally illiterate adults and youths an opportunity to learn how to read and write through the use of the internet.
And I'm a big believer that the most important thing that a kid can learn in school is how to learn and how to think.
Slowly but surely, the Chinese companies that have been in the U.S. long enough to realize how differently things are done here than in China now want to learn how to play by U.S. rules.
In essence, just as the Fortune 500 must relearn how to manage so as to generate continuous innovation, the health care system also needs to learn how to manage in a radically different way so as to generate reliable and affordable care through continuous innovation.
While King of Dragon Pass is easy to learn how to play, it's hard to learn to play it well.
So the question then is where are you going to learn to write and how are you going to learn to write.
From mid-April to mid-July, the companies work with mentors from the banks, learn how banks view their problems and what they need, learn how to present their ideas and get feedback.
FORBES: The Partnership For New York - Prompted by Henry Kravis - Spurs Innovation
Then I went to flying school in Mumbai and London to learn how to fly it.
FORBES: Flying High: Vikas Oberoi Discusses His Passion For Planes
She said parents needed to realise their children also needed to learn how to manage risk.
You need to have something you are trying to do in order to learn how to do it.
FORBES: Learn To Code #2: The Many Reasons Why We Must Program (And The Few Why Not)
Yet the silver lining to my childhood is that my siblings and I had to learn how to hustle.
His implant gave him the ability to hear, but he had to play catch-up to learn how to speak vocally.
We can continue to trade within a range, that is why you need to learn how to trade the markets.
Without speaking a word of English, he turned to music to learn how to express himself in his new environment.
It only stands to reason, he argued, that our computers need to learn how to configure, heal, optimize and protect themselves.
But for that to happen, we have to learn how to combine the practicality of learning with the joy of exploration.
The payoff is sweet though if you are willing to put in the time to learn how to handle the cars.
To achieve their goal, they need to learn how to control ionised gases similar to those thought to compose the Snake.
When she first went to Kenya to learn how to set up a money-transfer system, she intended to stay for three months.
Being a waver can be an introduction to the industry and some wavers go on to learn how to be a tax preparer.
FORBES: Arrest of Dancing Mascot Puts Liberty Tax Wavers In The Spotlight
You need to make a conscious choice: do you need to learn how to deal with that person in order to be successful?