Whether her partner deserves better or worse is just one of the troubling question marks this superior mystery thriller dares to leave hanging in the air.
But it does leave the question hanging in the air: is that it?
Some revisionist history can leave the reader up in the air, wondering why, in the light of the historian's myth-busting, Catholic and Protestant bothered to quarrel with each other at all.
In effect, previous customers leave their comments floating in the air around the restaurant, where they can be read by anybody with the right handset.
We'd heard buzz of haptic support -- and while it is possible it is somewhere in there, we can't get at it, so we'll leave that one up in the air for now.
ENGADGET: BlackBerry Storm 2: the official unofficial hands-on
The most famous person to leave a memory tag in the theatre is the director Richard Air.
There is plenty of pain involved in this, of course, for people who thought they had a career in the forces but are now being asked to leave, air bases closed, or famous regiments disbanded.
Better yet, daily early morning flights to San Jose, two hours south of Sablayan by bus or air-con minivan, mean you can leave Manila in the morning and be diving on Apo Reef the same day.
Governments can either choose to leave people fuming in their cars (which wastes people's time and pollutes the air) or they can ration road space by regulation or by price.
In 2005 Rebecca Pittock-Shouldis of Ghost Hill Cellars chose to leave a full-time career in aviation as an Oregon Air National Guard maintenance technician on the F-15 Fighter Aircraft to pursue her passion for wine.
FORBES: Female Winemakers: Second In A Series Featuring Oregon
With a tandem jump you sign a release form, put on a jumpsuit and are quickly shown what to do once you leave the plane: how to cross your arms and bend your legs while in mid-air.
The United Airlines flight was supposed to leave at 11:34, and about noon, gate agents announced that it would be in the air by 1 p.m.
CNN's Brent Sadler -- who was back in Belgrade after some international journalists were forced to leave Yugoslavia earlier -- heard one explosion outside Belgrade Saturday as air raid sirens rang out in the Yugoslav capital.
Air Malta cancelled all flights to Benghazi due to leave on Thursday, and will review in the coming days whether flights planned for next Tuesday should go ahead.
Rasool said his decision to leave his home in Hisarak district came nearly a month ago after a particularly blistering air assault killed five people in the neighboring village of Meya Saheeb.