But we leave the last word with Fergal Keane - the man from RTE who gave his on-air celebrations that stylish touch of history.
The boozy Friday lunches in London with his clever friends, and their shared fondness for puerile, obscene word games, will leave most readers bored and mystified.
However, the use of the word "symbolic" does leave the regulations open to some interpretation.
To her credit, Goodwin did not leave the Time essay as her last word on the subject.
Boley said Tuck is wily at making sure to use the triple and double word slots, and not leave them open for him.
Word came that she would be allowed to leave Iran for Austria, and soon return to the United States to be reunited with loved ones.
If you come to England expecting waxed moustaches, cucumber sandwiches, the tipping of trilbies and regular use of the word "jolly", then you may leave a trifle disappointed.
In a French grammar lesson at the College Chevereus, 11-year-olds copy word for word from the blackboard, and are corrected if they leave too wide a margin.
Any word on who her replacement might be or when she might leave?
Mr. EPSTEIN: Well, I don't want to get too much into the sources, but I'll say we're confident with what I said, they're, you know, familiar with the information they gave us, but I'd like to kind of leave it at that since they requested anonymity, and we gave them our word on that.
Again, like I said, I don't think he said the word "discuss, " meaning I don't want either my answer or your question to leave the impression that we haven't been in discussions with the Chinese, the Russians, and our partners in the P5-plus-1, as well as in international efforts involving the IAEA and others to address the nuclear weapons capability of Iran.
Turn it off and leave it off, it wears out the disk drive a lot faster if you have it engaged, just a word of warning.
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