This leaves plenty of scope in China and Europe to win market share region by region.
An officer always carries a list of his men and leaves a copy in the truck.
But once he's understood a company and bought it, he leaves the chief executive to run it.
BBC: Mr Buffett played the ukulele at this year's Berkshire AGM
That still leaves more than 55 million Americans who voted for the aging, outspent warrior, John McCain.
Start with the spicy fried soft shell crab and juicy morsels of grilled beef wrapped in betel leaves.
The sky is blue, the air is crisp and the leaves are aflame with gold, crimson and orange.
Even mixing it with blueberry and grape juice, as TNI does, leaves it barely drinkable.
Obviously, the main problem here is that the company leaves hiring decisions completely to managers.
FORBES: What Will Happen To The "Little Janie Qs" of Wal-Mart?
The discrepancy leaves us to parse what sub-segments of health IT are included in those numbers.
FORBES: Why The Numbers On Health IT Venture Funding Are Confusing
So when Hillary leaves her job as Secretary of State, what will she do?
And that still leaves the final factor that will determine his future: Mr Rumsfeld himself.
Be aware, though, that as the leaves cook, they quickly lose their bright-green color.
WSJ: Renee Erickson's Roast Salmon With Saut��ed Radishes and Sorrel Cream
The result leaves the side two points from safety with six league games left to play.
The person who has cleared the leaves from the longest length of stalks wins.
Industry representatives said the bill wouldn't help them because it leaves the MTOP standard in place.
Mayor Ron Dellums says that leaves him and the city council with two basic options.
Phillips leaves the Falcons to sign for Stade Francais while Brive have captured Noon.
Why should the time she leaves the office be of any concern to anyone?
Lacking a brand name like Fox Sports or ESPN leaves FSV without valuable promotion.
It leaves you with no long-term personnel commitment, but low control of your core assets.
This leaves Havas a weak number six in an industry increasingly dominated by giants.
An active philanthropist, he leaves his sizable fortune in the hands of the Sorenson Legacy Foundation.
The leaves of the aspen tree that leaned past the window flickered in the breeze.
After all, emigration leaves them with fewer workers to pay for supporting the elderly.
Lazaridis, 52, leaves his fortune in the hands of the new CEO, Thorsten Heins.
FORBES: Both BlackBerry Founders Are Gone Now. Could Either Become A Billionaire Again?
New, sharp-edged vine leaves emerge from the stone as if they had just grown there.
So that leaves the option of quantitative easing (QE), or creating more money to purchase assets.
The research saying it leaves the body was done by a pediatrician named Pichicharo.
FORBES: ADHD, Fish And Mercury Exposure During Pregnancy -- What's The Connection?
Chapman leaves behind a wife, Renae, and two children -- Amanda, 2, and Brandon, 1.
And if that leaves him with three times the disappointment late Saturday evening, so be it.