Les Leech, Fremont Beef's president, says that his company would have struggled without immigrants.
ECONOMIST: A small city passes a controversial immigration ordinance
The new deal was given a warmer reception by Cathy Leech, chair of the Scottish Pensioners' Forum.
Mark Leech, editor of the Prisoner's Handbook, said the 300 new prisoners arriving every month put Wormwood Scrubs under "enormous pressure".
Or it's about being successful enough for others to leech off of you.
Codenamed "Operation Leech, " the mission mostly involved intercepting illegal consignments of arms on the high seas off the Andaman Islands.
"Theoretically, hacking is possible, but car companies are very aware of that risk and busily preparing themselves, " says John Leech, of KPMG.
Whichever you choose, make sure to wear hiking boots and leech socks -- the forest floor is muddy and thick with small, innocuous leeches.
"I suspect it will not be car companies but actually someone like Apple or Facebook who will successfully challenge the car manufacturers, " says Leech.
Manchester Withington MP John Leech, who is backing the campaign, said he would then take the bill through the House of Commons to make it law.
It is a fact that Roman bread and circuses produced a large leech class at a time when desperately needed manpower and resources for the Legions was scarce.
Many of the trails are planked with wood, cutting down on the leech factor, and the lodge offers night wildlife drives to see nocturnal animals like the wide-eyed tarsier.
At question time on 14 July 2010, Mr Leech said civil servants at the low end of the pay scale had spent years worrying about their jobs and were now facing uncertainty about their future.
Melanie Leech, director general of industry body the Food and Drink Federation, said the importance of the strategy was "long recognised" and it "marks an important milestone towards a joined-up approach across the food chain".
Four Lib Dem MPs - Sarah Teather, David Ward, Julian Huppert and John Leech - voted against the government while Charles Kennedy and Andrew George abstained on the second reading of the legislation needed to implement the three-year cap.