But after its privatization last year, the company, now 40% owned by Saudi Arabia's Aramco and 20% by the public, left such baggage behind.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek
Passengers on one cancelled Ryanair flight were told their baggage would be left outside the terminus.
BBC: East Midlands Airport: Apology over baggage left in snow
Wednesday, but only for those who want to retrieve baggage that was left at the airports yesterday.
CNN: Flights still grounded amid security concerns
In the pursuit of high achievement, our feelings got left by the side of the road, our emotions mistaken as unnecessary baggage.
CNN: Tiger moms: Don't turn your kids into robots
But for the left, a North Atlantic free-trade accord doesn't come with the some of the political baggage that accompanies other trade accords.
WSJ: Trans-Atlantic Trading Partners Barter Over Rules
Ilyine and his wife were on their honeymoon in Thailand when they were left stuck at the airport in Phuket, he said, after their Air Australia flight was grounded with their baggage in the hold.
CNN: Australian airline runs out of money, stranding thousands