Europeans tend mostly to identify with the leftish end of the American political spectrum.
Worse, Mr Obama's administration has not made much progress at all towards several cherished leftish goals.
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Support is growing for everything leftish, from tackling global warming to letting gays marry.
Tax cuts will stimulate the economy and return resources to citizens, argues the supposedly leftish Mr Zapatero.
There were signs that fear of a Conservative victory was driving leftish voters to the Liberal fold.
The more intriguing question is how far Mr Sarkozy will follow up his leftish-sounding rhetoric with concrete policies.
Cunning old Mr Posthumus has tried to depict Ms Granholm as slippery, shallow and more leftish than she appears.
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The Democrats, a small, leftish party, support the tax but not on food.
In an interesting gesture, Mr Kirchner has given the foreign ministry to Rafael Bielsa, a leftish jurist and anti-corruption campaigner.
In the run up to the vote, Mr Martin had forged a short-term alliance with the leftish New Democratic Party.
Protestants for the Common Good, formed in 1995 to counter the impact of the religious right, has an overtly leftish agenda.
Leftish candidates gained ground: the Workers' Party beat its most optimistic forecasts.
In politics his sympathies were with Conservatism, albeit of a leftish sort.
Even leftish Democrats worry that Miss Reno's liberal image will lose votes, especially in conservative rural areas in the north of the state.
Leftish Islington, for example, thinks it a good idea to harry local businesses to reduce the ratio between their highest- and lowest-paid workers.
The most famous modern manifestation of leftish fury, in Paris in May 1968, seemed to him a Club Med affair of spoiled middle-class kids.
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American conservatives have seized on this reversal of fortune: Arthur Laffer, a Reaganite economist, hails the Texan model over the Gipper's now hopelessly leftish home.
The trouble is that Ms Rousseff hails from the left of a leftish party and elections are won on the back of wide ranging promises.
That is less likely if the health of Turkey's leftish prime minister, Bulent Ecevit, continues to decline, resulting in political paralysis in Turkey (see article).
Of the 100 companies included in a poll this week by the Asahi Shimbun, a leftish daily, a quarter had experienced difficulty in borrowing from banks.
His moment came in 1995 when he helped Mr Prodi launch the Olive Tree, gathering ex-communists, leftish Catholics, greens and a sprinkling of socialists in its shade.
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No wonder that other ministers in the three-party coalition led by Bulent Ecevit, the leftish veteran whose unwise words set off the crisis in February, are feeling twitchy.
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They have the excuse that Mr Obama initially did far too little to woo moderate Republicans on health care, handing the project over to leftish Democrats in Congress.
It is certainly a novel of opinions, whether murmured, whined or roared, and it is these tirades that have upset magazines like the impeccably high-toned and leftish Nouvel Observateur.
Unfortunately, the few (leftish) politicians who acknowledge the problem tend to have misguided solutions, such as trade barriers or industrial policy to prop up yesterday's jobs or to spot tomorrow's.
In that spirit, in a new report by Conciliation Resources, a London-based organisation, a group of mainly leftish authors argues for local peace initiatives and more civic participation in peace talks.
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Shaggy, intense idealists, fond of demonstrations and leftish causes?
Mr Lafontaine better represents his party's leftish socio-ecological profile.