The Conference agenda include the development of strategies of lobbying the African Union, the ECOWAS, Southern African Development Community (SADCC) and other inter-state bodies to reform laws obstructing free speech and expression, and discussions of ways to develop proposals for common legal standards for free expression legislation in Africa.
"The barriers to freedom of expression are not legal, " he said.
BBC: Why social media - not violence - could bring change to Oman
Experts praised the national initiative to develop a new media law based on international recommendations as an important step towards the creation of a legal environment conducive to freedom of expression and information.
U.S. officials work with local NGOs to investigate land grabbing, illegal arrest and detention, and obstruction of freedom of expression and assembly, while providing legal aid to victims.
The conference will also explore recent developments in Morocco that have shaped freedom of expression on the Internet as well as the various legal and policy mechanisms behind and will identify challenges and opportunities for the creation of an environment conducive to the freedom of expression in Morocco.
"It imposes a chilling effect on free expression in violation of Malaysia's constitution and international legal obligations, " the London-based group said on Tuesday.
And our legal theory was that the Sundial was a public forum for student expression, and that Rawitch, as an agent of the state, was prohibited by the Constitution from either censoring its content or exacting punishment after the fact.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNESCO Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of their authorities, or concerning the delimitation of their frontiers or boundaries.
Resources of human knowledge or expression, whether cultural, educational, scientific and administrative, or embracing technical, legal, medical and other kinds of information, are increasingly created digitally, or converted into digital form from existing analogue resources.
This publication makes clear, freedom of expression is not just a by-product of technical change and it must be protected by legal and regulatory measures that balance a variety of potentially conflicting values and interests in a complex global ecology of choices.
The Organization also believes that freedom of expression is not just a by-product of technical change: it must be protected by legal and regulatory measures that balance a variety of potentially conflicting values and interests in a complex global ecology of choices.