They hired a barrister to represent their case at the planning appeal, alongside the council's own legal representative.
In a blog post, company legal representative Suzie White provided an explanation.
After an initial meeting between George and Adams, the club conducted an internal inquiry last Friday which Wise attended along with his legal representative and a PFA observer.
The promoter's legal representative did not comment on the ruling.
The EAT has sent the matter back to the original tribunal to consider the question of compensation, but it is still a victory for Thomas and his legal representative.
"The current facts being circulated by Mr. Brannan are an overexaggeration and the police report is one-sided in (his) favor, since they failed to get Ms. Capriati's side of the story, " said the statement, which was attributed to the ex-tennis player's legal representative.
De Villiers says his players are playing by the same rules applied in the Super 14 competition, but are being treated unfairly by referees, and the South African Rugby Union has asked its legal representative to get an explanation for what they consider refereeing inconsistency.
However, Colin Finch, legal and parliamentary representative from the National Federation of Retail Newsagents reckoned life would be easier for shop-owners if the age was raised.
After Tice and LB Property won their motion to dismiss the arbitration claim, Tice's lawyer in January 2008 wrote to a Greene representative demanding he pay Tice's legal fees in connection with the libel lawsuit and the apology.
Granting power of attorney in the language of the scholars is a permissible request for legal assistance for the attorney to act as one's representative.
In 1986, Abramson became the editor of another Brill-owned paper, Legal Times, which was based in Washington, where Griggs was a press representative for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.
Jan Kleijssen, Director of Standard Setting in the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, and William Horsley, Media Freedom Representative, Association of European Journalists, will also speak.
The work complements other examples of de Kooning's work in the Whitney's collection and allows the museum to have works representative of the full arc of his career, Nicholas Holmes, the Whitney's legal officer, wrote in his letter to the Finance Committee.