You know, how do they make a living without having a legal residence in this country?
This is a wonderful visa to have: it offers permanent legal residence.
Florida is also frequently chosen as a legal residence by servicemen and women stationed in other states and overseas because it lacks a state income tax.
Tsarnaev was an immigrant from the volatile Caucasus region of southwest Russia who had legal residence in the United States and sought last year to become fully naturalized, like his brother Dzhokhar, 19.
Just last week the White House said it was considering a task force proposal to allow the estimated 3 million Mexicans living illegally in the United States to achieve permanent legal residence through a guest-worker program.
The sentencing was delayed earlier this month because documents detailing Brown's proposed community service plan in Virginia, where he maintains a legal residence and wants to serve his sentence, had not arrived in time for Schnegg to review.
CNN: Brown sentenced for Rihanna assault; other incidents surface
Any proposal to allow immigrants to obtain permanent legal residence through a guest-worker program, regardless of whether they are in the country illegally or came with temporary work visas, could, in the end, look a bit like some form of amnesty.
Two weeks ago, House Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor delivered an important speech that signaled a willingness to support legal residence and citizenship for children brought here illegally along with a guest-worker program, as part of granting visas to high-skilled immigrants educated at our universities.
FORBES: The Time Is Now To Fix Rules On High-Skilled Immigration
Young immigrants have expressed enthusiasm for the policy, even though it won't help them attain citizenship or legal permanent residence.
Advocates are also concerned that the bill requires certain goals on border security to be met before anyone can get a green card qualifying them for legal permanent residence and ultimately citizenship, and some say that the path to citizenship takes too long.
Continental European countries like Germany impose a legal duty on citizens to register their residence with the local authority.
If Clinton did make fund-raising calls from the White House it might be illegal, or not, depending on whether the calls were made from the Oval Office or the residence and depending on which legal authority you consult.
The UK is also embroiled in a long-running legal dispute with the EU over the UK's habitual residence test, which limits benefit claims by new arrivals.
BBC: UK will not extend Romania and Bulgaria migration curbs
Because of Muslims' residence outside the Dar al-Islam, there have been (legal) disputes between them and non-Muslims, both with individuals and with governmental and non-governmental organizations.
But it was facing a legal challenge from the European Commission, "due to the fact that our habitual residence test says people must prove they live here habitually before they can get benefit access", Mr Duncan Smith said.
But the legal costs and fees to sponsor skilled foreign nationals for temporary visas (thousands of dollars) and for permanent residence (typically tens of thousands of dollars) call into question any supposed cost advantage in hiring foreign nationals.
FORBES: Want to Attract Jobs and Capital? Change U.S. Tax and Immigration Laws