It ain't pretty -- it's written in legalese, and in small type, but that's the point.
What we do is ethereal so why do we need to taint it with confusing, mundane legalese?
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Buried in the hundreds of pages of legalese and footnotes are handouts unrelated to these two goals.
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Invitations to side events and parties in both cities came with elaborate legalese about meeting federal anti-corruption laws.
Although the hearings are few and far between (and conducted in high legalese), they are open to the public.
And therein lies the problem: those reading the constitution are not familiar with "legalese", or terminology used in legal proceedings.
The bill, written in convincingly impenetrable Russian legalese, says its aim is "the impact ambient garlic aroma has on human health".
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On the implications for teachers, she accused him of resorting to legalese, to show the Church in an unkind and uncaring way.
Microsoft's lawyer, John Warden, is an earthy figure with a bit a southern twang who peppers his folksy zingers with Latinate legalese.
And amid all that legalese, critics say, the consumer loses big money.
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The scientist's concise description of a clever contraption must be translated into different dialects of legalese to satisfy national and international authorities.
Head on down to our submission form (and be sure to read the full legalese to make sure your project is eligible).
Smith has Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer's blessing to instill collaboration among all Microsofties--even if it has to be drilled into them in strict legalese.
Albro named one of the best sites for explaining legalese in understandable terms that can help you determine whether you really need a lawyer.
The language is dense legalese, often containing double or triple negatives.
But I can tell you they have really tried to break down this tax and legalese, if you will, of the process to the everyday person.
The proceedings seem to keep Grewal and his gavel busy, but at least your legalese loving uncle will have something to drone on about over Thanksgiving dinner.
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And no matter how ridiculous the suit may sound, in legalese-speak both companies do have "tiger"-related trademarks, so never underestimate the power of law to completely confound us all.
Like all patent applications, there's no guarantee that Google's submission with come to fruition, but if you're feeling optimistic, you can hit up the source link below for all the legalese.
When the French and Dutch voted against the EU constitution in 2005, Brussels officials muttered that it was nonsense to put the complex legalese of an EU treaty to ordinary people.
He then filled in a few fake sentences of legalese, which, in essence, gave James Gooch, who was then treasurer of Kmart Holding, widespread authority to dole out Kmart shares as he saw fit.
Legalese is notably absent, with credit for that going to Lauren Gelman, a legal consultant who's previously worked with the likes of the EFF -- a member, like Reddit, of the Internet Defense League.
Of course, Samsung has indeed said it intends to appeal (and an internal memo reported by CNET corroborates this), so it would seem that the proxy battle against Android is far from over, and the drone of legalese is sure to continue.
The company may have requested the image via an expedited discovery procedure (legalese for quickly getting details to put together a case) last spring, which it had then used for other litigation in another part of the world like the U.S., Asia or Australia.
But Gleeson said Web sites generally face a balancing act between meeting their legal requirements to explain their policy towards personal information -- often in the form of dense terms and conditions pages written in "legalese" -- and providing the same information in a way accessible to users.
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Hidden in the cold legalese and legislative word-smithing is the following result: if a document could interfere with some sort of enforcement proceedings (very broadly defined by 5 U.S.C. 552 (c)), the agency does not simply deny the request for the document, but actually is instructed to act as if the document does not exist at all.