If Republicans want to change that they can do it legislatively, or they can try to.
I'd legislatively ban employment contracts that call for huge severance payments without regard to performance.
Either Congress is going to solve this legislatively or the courts are going to decide this.
So I think it will obviously legislatively bring us one step closer to getting this agreement.
You, again -- you listed a number of things that you plan to do legislatively.
Because there was a move to create something similar legislatively that had the support of Democrats and Republicans.
But the only thing legislatively coming down the pike, the only thing we're talking about is background checks.
His preferred and our preferred method is to do this legislatively through Congress.
The high court has not adjudicated the legality of the legislatively created commissions, but it seems unlikely to rule against them.
He had hoped that Congress would act legislatively on it, but I have no preview to give you of next steps.
Time will soon tell whether the Tea Party infused Congress will succeed legislatively and politically with an agenda of deficit and spending reductions.
But in the wake of Obamacare and looking at the gridlock ensnaring the capital today, the odds of Washington acting legislatively are almost nil.
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Granted, seven of their members had strongly advocated and then unadvocated for the creation of that commission when we were trying to do this legislatively.
In other words, there's still a long way to go legislatively before a bailout for Detroit makes it to President Bush's desk for his signature.
Nevertheless, if Kerry does pick Gephardt and ultimately wins, the senator from Massachusetts may get the most legislatively skilled VP since his idol picked LBJ.
It will find a way to bypass the legislatively prescribed cuts mandated by the law, in which case the cost of ACA will balloon massively.
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But the policy can and should end legislatively on Capitol Hill.
He was able to get provisions that were necessary to stave off depression through Congress -- and he did so, and was able to act legislatively.
But aren't you doing the same thing by then harping on it rather than moving on to something that you could actually try to pass legislatively?
Price Controls Are Never Good Economics There is a vast difference between wanting lower fees and legislatively forcing one subset of companies to provide their services below cost.
There's an effort in the Senate and I think in the House as well to legislatively prevent the EPA from going ahead with its regulations on greenhouse gases.
The most important target for your efforts is your state legislature, which holds the power to mandate legislatively the divestment of stock by your state's public pension systems.
The most legislatively successful presidents have proceeded along this line.
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Seventy percent oppose any attempt to repeal the ban legislatively.
So it is very important, I think, for us to take steps both legislatively but also in the private sector to improve prevention, improve wellness, bend the cost curve.
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The Clearinghouse, based in California (of course), is dedicated to raising awareness about the effect of technology on privacy, helping people protect their privacy, and advocating for greater privacy legislatively.
So I think it will be important to, again, view the attitudes, to view -- and to use those attitudes to craft a pathway to implementing a changed legislatively policy.
And you saw each of the things that I mentioned that went through Congress legislatively done not by the votes of simply one party but by the votes of both parties.
How this plays out legislatively is obviously hard to know, and I would point you to experts on the Hill about how it will in both the Senate and the House.
Democrats in the House are talking of targeting the estate tax provision that they're unhappy with and maybe dealing with that in an amendment or legislatively trying to change that language.