Its power rests entirely on people's belief in its legitimate authority.
Uber rebel Douglas Carswell dislikes the term "rebel", since he believes he is doing his duty, by voting his conscience, and is not defying legitimate authority.
During a televised interview with Euronews in March 2011, after France recognized the National Transitional Council as the legitimate authority in Libya, Gadhafi's son claimed Libya contributed to the Sarkozy campaign.
It was also as a result from the loss of legitimate authority, as in Iran of the Shah, of those in powers confronted by populist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Jamaat-i-Islami in Pakistan.
"We are serving a cause defined within the United Nations' framework ... to bring the entire Malian territory under the legitimate authority of the Malian president and then the leaders who will be elected by the Malians, " Hollande said Saturday.
"We are serving a cause defined within the United Nations' framework ... to bring the entire Malian territory under the legitimate authority of the Malian president and then the leaders who will be elected by the Malians, " Hollande said in Timbuktu.
"In practice this is the legitimate governing authority that we are working with, " he said.
The US and UK have recognised the Libyan opposition, the Transitional National Council (TNC), as the country's legitimate governing authority.
But the lack of legitimate administrative authority is a growing obstacle.
Libya remains an OIC member and the new head of its TNC (just officially recognized by the U.S. as Libya's legitimate governing authority) is a shariah scholar.
In the end, Patriarch Bartholomew steered a middle course assuring Mr Yushchenko that he too yearned for unity among believers in Ukraine, while also accepting that (at least until some other arrangement is agreed upon) Patriarch Alexy remains the legitimate Orthodox authority in that part of the world.
If the choice is between preserving the Palestinian Authority and remaining legitimate in the eyes of his people, Arafat will choose the latter.
The complainant sought IP address and other contact details for the poster of the fake profile but again FB-I pointed out that such information could only be provided by legitimate legal means such as a court order or via a relevant law enforcement authority relying upon a relevant legal basis.
FORBES: Some Scolding, No Fines For Facebook After Irish Privacy Investigation
Census also will team with a certificate authority to authenticate the Census Web site so that citizens know they are connected to the legitimate Census site and not another site designed to mimic it, he said.
CNN: Census Bureau will allow millions of citizens to file census forms online
The authority said although some of the purchases would not now be deemed "wholly necessary" they were "legitimate" at the time.
The exposure then of Iran's support for Palestinian Authority-backed terror forces caused the Bush administration to abandon its previous acceptance of Yasser Arafat as a legitimate political leader.