Mr Koch, a co-founder of LEK Consulting, holds a 6.5% stake in Betfair.
BBC: Betfair shares surge on CVC takeover talk
If eyedrops and laser surgery aren't effective in controlling your eye pressure, you may need a surgical procedure called a trabeculectomy (truh-bek-u-LEK-tuh-me).
CNN: Glaucoma
Spending my own funds, together with Hong and now Lek, Darrick and The Elephant Nature Park, we have come a long way.
FORBES: How the Life of a Chipmunk in Michigan Came to Save Elephants and a Million Acres in Cambodia
Before Wharton, Anderson and Cooper (no relation to the CNN anchor), worked in the Boston office of LEK Consulting, a London-based management consulting firm.
FORBES: Wharton Start-Up, Chattersource, Helps Students Find Housing, Haircuts
And unrelated birds that had been reared together for a short time scorned their broodmates and preferred to lek near relatives who were perfect strangers instead.
ECONOMIST: Team players
Through genetic testing, they found that the peacocks within a particular lek tended to be more closely related to each other than those in other leks.
ECONOMIST: Team players
When the adult birds from these broods picked their lek sites, males who shared a father clustered together far more often than would be expected by chance alone.
ECONOMIST: Team players
We are so fortunate to have the support of the government and we are truly blessed to have the irreplaceable energy and inspiration that Hong, Lek, Darrick, Dino and the Elephant Nature Park provide.
FORBES: How the Life of a Chipmunk in Michigan Came to Save Elephants and a Million Acres in Cambodia