• If they gave an account of their crimes, they would be treated more leniently.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia's president

  • The regulator said the January papers were marked too leniently, but stood by the new June grade boundaries.

    BBC: Welsh government to consider English GCSEs report

  • It all sounds cosy, and indeed some western countries, America especially, believe Britain has treated its traitors absurdly leniently.

    ECONOMIST: Ruth Werner, Soviet spy, died on July 7th, aged 93

  • In no other large country are options so leniently treated by the taxman.

    ECONOMIST: A survey on pay

  • Because they are bigger and heavier like trucks, SUVs are treated more leniently by government rules on fuel efficiency and emissions.

    NPR: China's Struggling Automakers Jump On SUV Boom

  • Indeed, in IBRA's rush to meet International Monetary Fund deadlines, there are criticisms that some debtors are being treated too leniently.

    CNN: So This is a Rally?

  • He denied the authority had marked papers more leniently this year after the debacle of last year, when the SQA issued 17, 000 wrong or inaccurate results.

    BBC: Exams body gets its sums wrong

  • The 46-year-old said that the media were "baying" for the judge to make an example of him but asked Lord Bracadale to treat him as leniently as possible.

    BBC: Tommy Sheridan jailed for three years for perjury

  • There are some further subtleties (the tax treatment of partnerships is bizarrely complicated), but the bottom line is that investors holding MLPs that own depreciating assets are taxed leniently.

    FORBES: Pipeline to Profits

  • Head teachers, teachers' leaders and pupils have complained that those who sat the exam in January this year were treated more leniently than those who sat it in June.

    BBC: Heads tell MPs exam watchdog 'failed' in GCSE grades

  • The second weakness is that national bank supervisors get too close to the institutions they are supposed to be policing, and treat them too leniently, to the detriment of taxpayers and sometimes other countries that also suffer when a big bank fails.

    WSJ: In Cyprus Rescue, Germany Forged a New Vision for Bank Union

  • The latter has dug his team out of many a hole over the past couple of years, and the team management might be inclined to judge his current poor form leniently, but Ponting definitely needs a good series to keep his Test career alive.

    WSJ: A Boxing Day Treat to Savor

  • Anything lower reduces the expected cost of criminality, without doing anything to improve the probability of detection. (Treating whistleblowers leniently is consistent with this logic: letting them off punishment raises the odds of truth-telling, and therefore of detection.) There are plenty of arguments against ultra-high fines, however.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

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