• One of the most dangerous is the Leningrad reactor, which sits by the border of Finland's and Estonia.

    NPR: Russia Plans Nuclear Power Expansion

  • He was sent back to the Soviet Union in 1987 and died 10 weeks later in a Leningrad hospital.

    CNN: AllPolitics - News

  • Moscow, Leningrad and other major cities, or do they extend throughout the country?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Letter from Sen. Bill Bradley to the President

  • In 1931, Kharms was charged with anti-Soviet activities and briefly exiled from Leningrad.

    NEWYORKER: So It Is in Life

  • Born 14 September 1965 in Leningrad, he was descended, by his own account, from farm workers, a blacksmith and a hat-maker.

    BBC: Profile: Dmitry Medvedev

  • When my grandmother left to go to college in what was then Leningrad, she brought with her the recipes of her childhood.

    WSJ: Babushka's Dacha Dumplings

  • When he was an old man, he went to Leningrad, as it was then, to see his father's magnificent paintings at the Hermitage.

    ECONOMIST: Post-Impressionists

  • Keene organised the London matches of the third series between the players in 1985, which took place both in the UK and Leningrad.

    BBC: The great rivalries of chess

  • Russians from Leningrad to Petropavlovsk cheered the news about Gagarin, who had flown higher (188 miles) and faster (18, 000 mph) than anyone before.

    CNN: 40 years of space flight, 20 years of shuttles

  • Stalin, who, unlike Adolph Hitler, grudgingly learned to defer to his principal military commanders, soon put Zhukov in charge of the Leningrad front.

    FORBES: The Greatest WWII General You Never Heard Of

  • If you want to talk about Leningrad, we talk about Leningrad.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'City of Thieves'

  • This is Lipetsk and Leningrad Oblast, Krasnoyarsk, and several other regions.

    FORBES: Russian Regional Economic Inequality - Tyumen is like the United States, Stavropol is like Sri Lanka

  • During the nineteen-nineties, he spent a year in the Soviet Union, at the Leningrad lab of Mikhail Budyko, who is considered the founder of physical climatology.

    NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers

  • When the diabolical Chiche, the head of a vast capitalist conspiracy, plots colossal acts of anti-Soviet terrorism, the cast of characters heads to Leningrad to stop him.

    NEWYORKER: Miss Mend

  • Like the National Gallery in Washington, the Hermitage in Leningrad (now St Petersburg) and other Russian galleries also took a fancy to German art treasures located by Soviet troops in 1945.

    ECONOMIST: Walter Farmer

  • The biggest increases in per-capita income were in Sakhalin (where per-capita income grew 4.4 times) Dagestan (3.7 times), Chukotka (3.2), Moscow (2.8), Leningrad Oblast (2.4), Kaliningrad Oblast (2.4), and Saint Petersburg (2.3).

    FORBES: Russian Regional Economic Inequality - Tyumen is like the United States, Stavropol is like Sri Lanka

  • As a result, Moscow and Leningrad, long the beneficiaries of a food distribution system that gave them priority over the non-metropolitan parts of the USSR, are now uniquely disadvantaged in food deliveries.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Moscow Center's Food Aid Crusade: Where's The Beef?

  • Along the way he offers lively summaries of some of the key dramas of Russian history, including the exploration of Siberia, the tragic nobility of the Decembrists and the unspeakable siege of Leningrad.

    ECONOMIST: Russia

  • After graduation he later lived in Leningrad for about 10 years, during which time he endured a sobering arrest by Soviet authorities for attending a private lecture on the history of Jews in Spain.

    WSJ: Porcelain Flowers Never Die

  • Regrettably they succeeded in bulldozing many working-class neighbourhoods and replacing them with publicly owned housing estates and tower blocks, which would not have disgraced Leningrad and which now incubate many of London's worst social problems.

    ECONOMIST: London uncovered

  • The festival survived both the terrible three-year Siege of Leningrad during WWII and the restrictions of the Soviet era that ended in 1991, rebounding to include concerts, dances, fireworks, a sailing fleet, jazz performances, street parties and more.

    BBC: Living in: St Petersburg

  • Amidst the glorious dilapidation of what was a great imperial capital till 1917, and Leningrad till 1991, six orchestras, four chamber orchestras, three opera houses, a world-class conservatory and some 40 other music schools operate, more or less, as they have since the 1920s.

    ECONOMIST: Russian violinists

  • In Leningrad, a sheet bearing only the moves was typed up, a press officer with a minder was taken to the local party HQ where the only photocopier was to be found, the sheet was copied and then manually handed only to the journalists present at the event.

    BBC: The great rivalries of chess

  • At the same time, Snyder also asks us to extend our circles of compassion, making us see that the child dying in the gas chamber was no different from the one being starved to death in the siege of Leningrad, or that the fate of the zek in the Gulag was not very different from that of the Russian prisoner in a German lager.

    NEWYORKER: Faces, Places, Spaces

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