• DHKP-C has been active for more than 30 years and espouses a Marxist-Leninist philosophy reminiscent of the Cold War.

    CNN: Turkish attack a reminder of Cold War dynamics

  • Taiwan's Leninist ruling party, in short, set out to change the society around it, but ended up being changed by it.

    ECONOMIST: Can China change?

  • They are in charge and will continue to turn back American efforts to undermine their Leninist monopoly on politics and power.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The impresario of the meeting is a bearded market-Leninist who has been a stalwart of the movement for more than 20 years.

    ECONOMIST: The caveman cometh

  • The group was formed in 1978 as Dev-Sol (Revolutionary Left), a Marxist-Leninist splinter group from a larger group called Dev-Yol (Revolutionary Path).

    BBC: Profile: Turkey's Marxist DHKP-C

  • Lately the FARC has been calling itself not just Marxist-Leninist but also "Bolivarian" in reference to the pan-Latin revolution promoted by Chavez.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Implications of the Colombian Hostage Rescue

  • Kerry ignored Soviet or Chinese backing of North Vietnam, the North Vietnamese control of the Vietcong, or the Marxist-Leninist ideology that drove them.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kerry now says he never said what he said

  • He also has publicly declared himself a "Marxist-Leninist, " which has many fearing the worst of outcomes for the future of the Andean nation.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: chavez_castro_morales copy

  • The United Marxist Leninist Party was in power for nine months in 1995, and is the largest party in the current ruling coalition.

    ECONOMIST: Nostalgic Nepal

  • In their quest for a majority, Workers' Party leaders are alleged to have cut corners with Leninist arrogance, paying bribes to small rent-a-parties.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil

  • By contrast, China drew the opposite political conclusion from the collapse of the Soviet Union: political reform in a Marxist-Leninist system imperils the party's survival.

    ECONOMIST: Can China change?

  • But it shed its Marxist-Leninist ideology at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, replacing it with messages of solidarity and human dignity.

    ECONOMIST: The Dutch election

  • Comment: This provision harkens back to traditional Leninist and Stalinist nationalities theory, which envisioned the nationalities as having a narrowly-circumscribed role within a unitary Soviet state.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Illegitimate, Marxist-Leninist governments like Kim's are extremely fragile, and they signal their awareness of this fact by the manner in which they ruthlessly quash all domestic dissent.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Why North Korea's nukes?

  • Meanwhile, the staunchly pro-US president of Colombia, inaugurated just months ago, wants to work more closely with the United States to crush Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist groups in his country.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: US does little as hemispheric crisis grows

  • The market economy that China seeks is overlaid by a Leninist system of political control that never convincingly did even the job it was designed for: running a command economy.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • The "Leahy Law, " as it is now called, has provided the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist terrorist groups throughout Latin America with the ability to remove their betters from the battlefield without firing a shot.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A rare victory in the judicial war in Peru

  • The group, which has Marxist-Leninist roots, was formed in the late 1970s and launched an armed struggle against the Turkish government in 1984, calling for an independent Kurdish state within Turkey.

    BBC: Profile: The PKK

  • Commercial offices and some government buildings in Delhi were also reported to be affected, and police removed protesters belonging to Communist Party of Marxist-Leninist when they tried to block a busy intersection.

    BBC: Bombay Central station

  • Turkish officials say that as a result of counterterrorism operations on Turkish soil, DHKP-C -- often described as having a Marxist-Leninist philosophy -- became increasingly active among the Turkish diaspora in Europe.

    CNN: February 2, 2013 -- Updated 2212 GMT (0612 HKT)

  • Yet right from the start, his method of gaining and then maintaining control over Russia's domestic scene was brute confrontation, owing more to Leninist diktat than to the compromise and consensus-seeking of democratic politics.

    ECONOMIST: Russia’s flawed reformer | The

  • For example, among the estimated 50, 000 Kurds living in Britain, many among those of Iraqi origin were not nearly as angered as other Kurds over the arrest of the Marxist-Leninist, and therefore by definition non-religious, P.

    CNN: Nationalists without a nation

  • The PKK, which has a Marxist-Leninist philosophy, at first carried out attacks in rural areas but moved into cities in the 1990s and expanded to include Turkish diplomatic interests in Western Europe, according to the U.S. State Department.


  • Accordingly, he designed the Birch Society roughly, if not explicitly, on the Marxist-Leninist model of a vanguard revolutionary party: a series of small cells that would work in secret to agitate the populace and elect right-thinking candidates to office.

    NEWYORKER: Confounding Fathers

  • It would be surprising if there were not profound differences over one of the biggest issues China faces: how to adapt the political system, organised along Leninist lines and designed for a monolithic command economy, to suit modern China, with a booming private sector and fast-growing middle class.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Foreign Affairs: The highly publicized changes in Soviet foreign policy, including their flagship -- the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -- is typical of Gorbachev's apparent, wholesale adaptation in foreign affairs of the Leninist doctrine of "reculer pour mieux sauter, " tactical retreat in order to advance strategic objectives.


  • Unlike most other party leaders at the time, he was good at talking to ordinary people, a skill which would help him win support and then power later, but he also showed no sign of questioning the Marxist-Leninist gobbledegook that he was required to recite at public events.

    ECONOMIST: Russia’s flawed reformer | The

  • He clearly has no desire to see the crowning triumph of his campaign to woo the West perhaps as close as an atheist practitioner of Leninist doctrine can come to canonization become a public relations rout for its coming in the midst of a new campaign of Kremlin repression bearing his imprint.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Would You Go To Oslo To Get A Nobel Peace Prize While Preparing A Bloody Crackdown In The USSR?

  • He clearly has no desire to see the crowning triumph of his campaign to woo the West -- perhaps as close as an atheist practitioner of Leninist doctrine can come to canonization -- become a public relations rout for its coming in the midst of a new campaign of Kremlin repression bearing his imprint.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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