The public perception of Qwest could change quickly from pugnacious scrapper to hopeless leper.
But as everyone knows all too well, today's darling can easily become tomorrow's leper.
Missionaries run most leper colonies: many Hindus regard the disease as a punishment for wrongdoing.
Farther up the coast, the insular island of Molokai, famous for its leper colony, hovers close offshore.
In "The Leper's Companion, " a nameless narrator suffers a nameless loss so strong that it shocks her out of time.
Far from a leper, to observe him throughout the weekend was to see Crane regularly approached by attendees with high praise.
We see the leper only darkly: his blackened skin, its clammy sheen.
The Left - including the feminist movement - has treated this remarkable former Muslim and champion of women's rights as a leper.
If a leper wanted to approach a town, he had to do so at night and ring a bell to warn people of his presence.
He said she had been "humiliated" and treated like a "leper".
Like many of those present, he viewed the president as a moral leper, a man undeserving of the respect customarily afforded the occupant of the highest office of the land.
Much is made of the power play between the King of Jerusalem (a leper in a metal mask), his exotic and plainly loopy sister (Eva Green), his military adviser (Jeremy Irons), and a brace of leering villains (Marton Csokas and Brendan Gleeson).
Indeed, there is evidence that not telling people the whole truth gives better results than levelling with them perhaps because they can take their medicine openly, without having to lie to their family and friends to avoid the stigma of being branded a leper.
Along with millions of other out-of-date and unsecured PCs strung together by the Internet--what Corman calls "the leper colony"--those machines represent a combined mass of computing power responsible for most of the Net's spam e-mails, much of its click fraud, and the vicious "denial of service" attacks that can knock sites offline and even destroy online businesses altogether.