Singapore, also seeking to attract Islamic capital, has the same lures but to a lesser degree.
So he started Spelunk NYC, a company that gives legal tours of lesser-known places across the city.
In the US, criminals are punished in prisons for more serious crimes and in jails for lesser offences.
Sedona was a far lesser light, but it drew a pack of short-sellers anyway.
Pagenaud's victory for Schmidt Hamilton Motorsports was another one for the lesser-known IndyCar teams.
Those companies which are tied to electricity will also benefit, but to a lesser degree.
FORBES: Invest In American Manufacturing? Five Charts For Your Business Decision
Other than the lesser dollars wagered and lost, there are cultural similarities that are devastatingly repeated.
His plea was for disorderly conduct, a lesser charge than what he might have faced.
At a school with a lesser gridiron pedigree, it probably would lessen the experience.
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Digital marketing and digital disruption affords a speed, a real-time use with lesser cost for marketers.
For Seinfeld fans, think about the great chocolate babka versus the lesser cinnamon babka.
Back in 1913 when it was formed, cancer was a lesser threat for most Americans.
Perpetually compared with their established relatives, they're often held to higher standards than lesser-known peers.
And perhaps that shows they were in fact the lesser team in this particular case.
But he also nabbed lesser stars like pitcher Carl Mays and third baseman Joe Dugan.
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Research shows that women chronically underestimate their value and chronically identify lesser incomes as fair.
Lesser-known candidate Gary Johnson was widely judged to have produced the best line of the night.
Mr Chambliss defended his vote on the bail-out as the lesser of two evils.
Limbaugh will probably find a new home on a lesser terrestrial network or possibly SiriusXM radio.
It carries up to five years in prison for adults, with lesser penalties for juveniles.
Top players lament such conditions, because in theory they bring lesser lights into contention.
Sacrifice is the pursuit of a lesser, or non, value over a greater value.
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Compared to component systems of similar--and even lesser--price, the Soundspace 21 simply does not measure up.
Jan Lesser and her husband flew to London to personally thank Chief Executive McKillop.
Families of lesser means face a different problem: These accounts cut eligibility for college financial aid.
In Thailand, speculative excesses in real estate and to a lesser degree manufacturing were the culprit.
But it also includes dozens of lesser-known hacks by individuals with handles like Pirax and ThEhAcKeR12.
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This federal agency has long focused on funding--and to a lesser extent conducting--basic research.
Novae are the lesser of two bright shows marking the end of a star's life.
This season United did not let up, while City dropped points against lesser teams.
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