The fear they will be unable to support themselves let alone if they have children.
Others are skeptical that AI will ever reach human levels of intelligence and cognition, let alone surpass it.
Fearing for their jobs, neither engineer would permit us to record them, let alone name them.
Governments are finding it almost impossible to monitor, let alone isolate, so many sources of infection.
But finding real-life priests who are willing to be celibate, let alone trendy, is another matter.
Most women are not recognized as serving in the military, let alone serving in combat.
Mr Clinton has yet to rally popular support for freer trade, let alone define America's agenda.
They may not even have a concept of a simple computer, let alone Google Glasses.
FORBES: Global Poverty: The Real Reason Most People Won't Wear Google Glasses
"Vito Lopez should not spend another day in office, let alone a whole month, " he said.
And two months hardly seems enough time to study one airport, let alone 149.
FORBES: FAA's Reckless Threat to Close 149 Air Traffic Control Towers in June
Depicting the Prophet Muhammad in any way already defies Islamic belief, let alone satirising him.
However, this is not a view uniformly held in Washington DC, let alone across the country.
The iPad and other current category changers will be tough acts to follow, let alone catch.
Women over 50, let alone 60 are frequently faced with a different reality.
It recognizes that all is not satisfactory, let alone well, in his theater of operations.
Does this sound like a guy suffering from low self-esteem, let alone writer's block?
But she still cannot easily date in public, let alone visit Hugh at his apartment.
None of them, it seems have ever used a digital camera, let alone own one.
FORBES: Holidays 2012. The Year Online Retail Overtakes Bricks And Mortar.
There will never again be another Thomas Jefferson, let alone a Leonardo da Vinci.
Many companies have aspiration but few have the capability to innovate, let alone transform.
FORBES: Green Tech: Finally, A Female-Friendly Engineering-Tech-Energy Field?
Annual attendance has yet to climb back over three million, let alone four million.
FORBES: The Toronto Blue Jays Push to Reignite Baseball In Canada
The money we've got is not enough to cover the bills, let alone food.
There is hardly any housing along the Golf Coast, let alone low income housing.
The queen rarely expresses her opinions -- let alone political views -- in public.
His colleagues do not feel that they owe him their allegiance, let alone their jobs.
In his absence, the parliament cannot agree on a new speaker, let alone a budget.
There is no evidence that Mr Miller endorsed, let alone initiated, the alleged scam.
Few have focused on Rio, let alone formed a clear idea of what it should do.
Not a mention of pensions, let alone of employer-sponsored pensions, nor indeed of saving at all.
In such a climate the negative consequences of these developments are scarcely recognised, let alone discussed.