During the trial, Dr Murray's lawyers argued that Jackson self-administered a lethal dose of the drug while he was out of the room.
Even at the elevated levels found off the coast, the amount of caffeine is well below a lethal dose for marine life, Portland State said.
Prosecutors said Gosnell had run a filthy "house of horrors" with unqualified staff - including those who administered a lethal dose of sedatives to Karnamaya Mongar, a 41-year-old refugee from Nepal.
BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News
"According to our San Jose firefighters that were on scene and the fire captain there -- they really are the experts there -- it was a lethal dose, " he said.
Two of the three workers inside the plant received more than the lethal dose of seven sieverts (a sievert is the unit that measures the intensity of radiation's impact on the body).
The son of a man who died after being given a lethal dose of painkiller by a doctor flown in from Germany to provide weekend cover has called for vetting procedures to be tightened.
When his staff gassed mice with hydrogen sulfide at a fraction of the lethal dose for humans, their body temperatures plunged, all movement stopped, and their breathing slowed to just a few breaths per minute.
Two executions in Arizona and Texas, due in early April (but delayed by a Supreme Court ruling) would have used, respectively, an Austrian drug imported from Britain and a lethal dose of a Danish-made anaesthetic.
No other state has opted to follow suit, and no cases have been reported in Oregon in which a patient has been given a lethal dose of drugs for any reason other than a terminal illness.
If some chef says to add a given amount of salt and it turns out to be a lethal dose for someone watching the show, I'm covered if the network gets sued and says it's our fault.
Most importantly, the order said, examiners at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office determined that the information at issue was irrelevant to patentability, saying it dealt with tests of the median lethal dose of the drug, not the much lower doses used by consumers.
Worse, one in 250 patients taking the highest dose of the medicine had serious muscle-weakening side effects, which in rare cases can be lethal.