The first of the Kinsey Millhone alphabet series of mysteries, which is now up to the letter N.
Annan himself expressed grave concerns about the situation in Syria in a letter to the U.N.
By nightfall, NATO jets were roaring over Sarajevo on surveillance and close air support missions, but the U.N. was receiving mixed messages -- a five page long letter from General Ratko Mladic that the U.N. said was unacceptable and a short terse note from Bosnian Serb political leaders saying they would comply.
To support this group, Kofi Annan sent a fund-raising letter to various ambassadors to the U.N.
No response was immediately available from Madame Wu, but if the letter from committee Chairman Charles Rangel, D-N.
The letter said the company would pursue arbitration under U.N. rules if the matter wasn't resolved by Nov. 15.
WSJ: Deutsche Telekom, U.S. Firms Scrap With India Over Scuttled Satellite Deal
Iraq Thursday delivered a letter from Foreign Minister Naji Sabri to chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, which welcomed talks with Blix and his experts.
In a September letter to the commission, the groups cited Linen's N' Things, a home goods retailer that is honoring its cards despite not having an adequate cash reserve on its books to fund them, which could raise arguments from more senior creditors in bankruptcy court.
In a letter to Senate leaders Thursday, Senators Pete Domenici, R-N.
Many of the groups that signed the letter were instrumental in securing a moratorium on geo-engineering research under the U.N.
This week, I received a call from a man whose father, now deceased, owned a very important letter by Woodrow Wilson, found folded within the book The Bridge to France, by Edward N.