If nothing else, Leu says she hopes to provide some small measure of validation.
For writer Laura Leu, the low point was balut, a Filipino dish that consists of a fertilized duck egg.
"Packard Bell is essentially a sales company that gets its PCs made by other companies under contract, " says Leu.
Bahjat's frustrations are typical of many Iraqi refugees, says Jane Leu, executive director of the nonprofit group Upwardly Global.
Of the three, Jardine Fleming's Leu tips the Acer Group as the best placed because of its huge Asian presence.
Leu Gardens, and then have your genie grant your wish to take the fun to the Inn on the Beach in Daytona.
When we proffered Moldavan leu, they said that they didn't accept it.
It also says that Iran has boosted its stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) by 500kg to more than 1, 300kg in the last six months.
It could also be possible to provide similarly enriched fuel, perhaps from France, for the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) and LEU targets for producing medical isotopes in the reactor.
Leu has organized weekly conference calls to coach several dozen Iraqis on how to navigate the U.S. job market, and help them learn the very American trait of marketing oneself.
"Whether you're pushing your own brand or manufacturing for others, if you're in the PC business, you'll do very well this year and are likely to do quite well next year too, " says Leu.
Inflows of foreign capital have pushed up the leu against the dollar, restoring some of Romanians' lost purchasing power and prompting the central bank to sell the currency lest it rise too much, choking off exports.
The change is being caused by the expiration of the HEU-LEU contract, signed in 1993 by Russia and the US. The treaty, which expires in 2013, allowed the duty-free export of Soviet uranium extracted from nuclear warheads.
In 2009 Mr Obama offered to provide Iran with tested and certified fuel for the TRR if Iran would send to a third country (probably Turkey) 75% of the LEU it had processed to date, to be converted to nuclear fuel.
It is worth noting, moreover, that no company has ever been denied an export license for HEU to be used in medical isotope production under current law which has, moreover, created incentives for countries to begin to convert to LEU .
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kyl and Schumer move to monitor uranium exports
The other is an agreement on a proposal to take Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) and send it to Russia and France for conversion into fuel rods for use in Iran's small research reactor in Tehran, which produces isotopes for cancer treatment.
The best way to ease those immediate fears would be to halt Iran's accumulation of 19.75% LEU. Mr Jalili and his team might agree to a temporary suspension in return for some immediate relief on sanctions, say an EU promise to suspend the oil embargo.
Iran has made much in the past of this civil use for its 19.75% LEU, arguing that it is running out of its original imported stock from Argentina (it now has enough to fuel the TRR for over eight years) which it needs for the treatment of cancer patients.
If enacted in its current form, Section 621 of this year's Energy bill , by contrast, would allow foreign companies to receive U.S. HEU for use in medical isotope production without having to move toward a low-enriched uranium (LEU) target, even if it is technically feasible for them to do so.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Kyl and Schumer move to monitor uranium exports