Kerry would also punish risk-takers by increasing the capital gains levy and would reduce the supply of capital by rescinding President Bush's dividend tax reductions.
Tim Levy, director of Future Capital Partners, a firm specialising in film investment schemes, admitted that over half of the firm's 255 investments had subsequently been investigated by HMRC.
"If the business case is to make the mall a better mall, that's a hard case to make today, " said Spencer Levy, executive managing director of capital markets for CBRE Group Inc.
The Republican cuts have several positive features, including savings incentives, a lowering of the capital gains levy and a reduction in the marriage penalty.
It is believed that eurozone leaders, particularly in Germany, insisted on the levy because of the large amount of Russian capital kept in Cypriot banks, amid fears of money-laundering.
BBC: Cyprus leader Nicos Anastasiades 'fights EU on bailout'
Reports have suggested that eurozone leaders, particularly in Germany, insisted on the levy because of the large amount of Russian capital kept in Cypriot banks, amid fears of money-laundering.
And the Administration is licking its chops in anticipation of increased revenue once the 2003 tax cuts expire at the end of next year and the levy on capital gains and personal dividends rises.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a supposed Clinton clone, is also lightening the burden of his country's capital gains levy.
With property prices starting to soar, the government last month stepped up its controls of the real estate market, vowing to levy a 20 per cent capital gains tax to thwart speculators.
Moreover, although Mr Brown has been willing to levy windfall taxes on capital when it is immobile in the pension funds of ordinary British workers, say he has revealed himself as a wise student of global capital.
From April, Tokyo's city government plans to levy a 2-3% tax on the operating profits of big banks based in the capital.
These are to be repaid with interest through a levy on sales, but the governments share some of the commercial risk, so Airbus is getting capital more cheaply than it might on the open market.