The Helen Ley care centre in Leamington Spa was due to shut by the end of January.
The Thai have two names for the Moken: chao ley, people of the sea, and chao nam, people of the water.
El gobierno del presidente George W. Bush sostiene que estas operaciones se realizan dentro del marco de la ley.
No podemos convertir en sujetos de sospecha y abuso a ciudadanos estadounidenses respetuosos de la ley e inmigrantes respetuosos de la ley.
Officer Yaslowitz collapsed and Marshal Ley was subsequent shot twice, causing him to fall through the attic opening onto the floor below.
While nobody knows for sure what the Leys and hundreds of others saw, Tim Ley is sure his family will never forget that night.
After the fugitive failed to respond to any attempts to establish contact, Officer Yaslowitz and US Marshal Ley obtained a latter and entered the attic.
Significa que asuman su responsabilidad las empresas que transgreden la ley al socavar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores estadounidenses y explotar a los trabajadores indocumentados.
In 2006, Professor Waller did a study of both the Mexican Constitution and its law in regards to its immigration policy, La Ley General de Poblacion.
When I was five, I was chastised for disagreeing with an Air Force man, a visitor to our home, who made mock of my Willy Ley book.
Pero los Republicanos en el Congreso han bloqueado todo progreso adicional de la Ley DREAM, y han obstaculizado las propuestas del Presidente para lograr una reforma migratoria general.
Hasta principios de Octubre no es posible para el Departamento Juridico del gobierno recomenzar con la ley de Aguas Subterraneas, por este motivo este trabajo va a continuar para el 2006.
Las periodistas de radio estuvieron de acuerdo al afirmar que la ley es exhaustiva, innovadora y moderna, puesto que incorpora los conceptos de misoginia, sexismo y diversos tipos de violencia contra la mujer.
"Once a scandal breaks, there's nothing nicer than watching the mighty fall, " says Barbara Ley Toffler, who was the chief ethics consultant at Arthur Andersen when it collapsed and wrote a book on the firm's demise.
Unable to get enough leverage, Officer McClintick came out into the hallway, directly under the attic opening and under fire, to grab Marshal Ley and pull him out of the kill zone and into the bathroom.