Sometimes federal sentencing feels like pinball, with its steadily-increasing offense levels, and liberal point multipliers.
For the Liberal Democrats - not many successes at a time of Labour's great weakness.
BBC: After the reshuffle are the knives still out for Blair?
The Liberal Democrats have urged the Welsh government to show some "leadership" and draw up a list.
BBC: Call for info on lobbyist meetings with Welsh ministers
The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have hinted that they may abstain in any assembly vote on a referendum.
Keene says the security hawks want Rudy Giuliani, but he's too liberal on social issues for other Republicans.
The Liberal Democrats, who oppose it, say they will not block new power stations.
Mr. Grisanti has crossed partisan lines before to vote for a socially liberal policy.
The Scottish Liberal Democrat conference in Perth was told the application had been made.
Barry O'Farrell, the state's Liberal leader and now its premier, will complicate life for Ms Gillard.
It isn't easy defending politicized tax enforcement, but our liberal friends are up to the job.
Liberal Democrat AM Peter Black welcomed the changes, but urged the government for transparency.
Liberal Democrat vice-chair Stephen Knight said there was a "credibility gap" in the mayor's housing plans.
Liberal Democrat leader Chris Holley and his independent deputy John Hague face questions about their conduct.
BBC: Ombudsman launches inquiry into Swansea council leaders
Andrew Stengel(ph) is with the liberal organization People for the American Way in New York.
Liberal Democrat MP John Pugh talked about the cost and quality of care, together with funding.
Unfortunately, in practice his policy usually means enriching Democratic interest groups, advancing liberal ideology, or both.
He points to longstanding liberal tax-exempt groups and says conservatives have been unfairly targeted.
The vacant seat was won by Liberal Democrat candidate Mike Thornton in a by-election.
Ask Adelman, a denizen of liberal Manhattan, about the morality of tobacco and he shrugs.
The proposal was supported by Liberal Democrat peer Lord Shipley, crossbencher Lord Best and the opposition.
And this is also the consequence of Thatcher's neo-liberal reforms to a large degree.
Mr Slipper defected from opposition leader Tony Abbot's Liberal Party last year, becoming an independent.
BBC: Australia: Speaker Peter Slipper quits amid sex scandal
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal, suggested the law created a two-tiered system of wedlock.
Still, students pursuing vocational degrees are almost always required to take some liberal-arts courses.
This may be a problem for Groupon even in states with liberal alcohol laws, like California.
The Liberal Democrat, Green, Labour and UKIP groups oppose the scheme, as do some Tories.
But the public response, and that of more liberal-minded Chinese newspapers, prompted a change of attitude.
Ms Ghose says women abused on Twitter in India tend to to be "liberal and secular".
More Americans consider themselves conservative than liberal (left-wing), while independent voters lean to the middle.
Michael Dell is reputed to be conservative politically, and Clinton is a champion of liberal causes.