The biggest spurt of new jobs has come from last November's limited liberalisation of shop-opening hours.
The liberalisation that began in 1991 ushered in competition from imports and foreign investors.
The European Commission is committed to full liberalisation of postal services across Europe by 2006.
One reason for more liberalisation is practicality: dual nationality has become harder to control.
Trade-liberalisation rounds are arcane affairs about which free-traders are often thought to cry wolf.
The cause is less market liberalisation as such than the fact that the liberalisation remains incomplete.
The prospects for farm liberalisation in the near run have gone from slight to nil.
The shopworkers' union, and retailers' associations which opposed the liberalisation, are sounding sourly triumphant.
People in emerging markets have mixed feelings about financial liberalisation and may not regret its reversal.
But the two fundamental causes of the blackout were clear to many commentators: privatisation and liberalisation.
Liberalisation in agriculture will increase the average price for food, but also its volatility.
The liberalisation of imports has also enabled companies to slash stocks, releasing funds for investment.
More worrying, though, is the lack of enthusiasm in many quarters for any further liberalisation.
Since liberalisation on January 1st, Deutsche Telekom has indeed been bleeding revenues and customers.
But recession, financial liberalisation and the squeeze on banks are all playing their part.
The influence of Smedley and his peers on the liberalisation of British media is plain.
It's hard to disentangle the initial shock of price liberalisation from ongoing inflationary pressure.
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However, the European Commission decided last year to phase in a liberalisation of the market.
That appears to be anathema to a government that presided over a decade of financial liberalisation.
The tax cut was just the first step in a wider liberalisation of betting.
Many recommendations for structural reform and liberalisation will scarcely be more palatable to Mr Hollande.
Bajaj Auto, a maker of scooters, motorcycles and three-wheelers, has had a similar experience with liberalisation.
As finance minister, he has presided over a much-needed and much-delayed liberalisation of the financial sector.
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Further trade liberalisation would encourage firms to export by offering certainty of continued market access.
He also headed the inquiry into the UK's gambling laws which led to their liberalisation.
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But it suggests that further liberalisation could upset some powerful lobbies in the West.
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EU's deadline of July 2007 for full liberalisation of European energy markets is approaching fast.
That generally means nitty-gritty topics such as education reform, economic liberalisation and improved governance.
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Chambers of commerce on both sides of the border are pushing hard for trade liberalisation.
Liberalisation commitments are incomplete, with implementation sometimes open-ended, and important sectors, such as agriculture, often largely excluded.