South Africa, England, or perhaps even Samoa from Pool A lie in wait in the knock-out stage.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Welsh | Wales backing Hook to bounce back
But as is so often the case in Zimbabwe, predators lie in wait.
Peak call open interest, however, resides at the deep-out-of-the-money October 410 strike, where some 54, 021 contracts lie in wait.
There they happily lie in wait, sweetening as the ground freezes over, until the point in the winter when we're starved for novel produce.
WSJ: Michael Anthony's Silken Sunchoke Soup | Slow Food Fast
Patent trolls that lie in wait to ambush tech firms which have successfully brought new products to market clearly do not fulfil this remit.
What risks today lie in wait for the modern global investor?
The banks' refusal to reprice assets has prevented the market from finding a bottom even as hundreds of eager vulture funds lie in wait (see page 16).
Together these technologies create a system that provides immediate warnings of delays, accidents, temporary speed restrictions and road conditions -- the everyday hazards that lie in wait just around the corner.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
He tracked the muggers' footprints on sand dunes over the course of several weeks, to get data for the maps, and established a pattern that helped police predict the attacks, so that they could lie in wait.
Saints though are a different proposition to the Warriors' two previous play-off opponents and possess not only the players to hurt any side, but also the appetite for revenge against a Leeds Rhinos side who have beaten them in the last two Grand Finals and now lie in wait for them again.
When, in mid-afternoon, the sun dips behind the mountain and my skis suddenly criss-cross ice-blue shadows, I am reminded of the more sinister snippets of local folklore my hosts have passed on: the wizard Fida, who lived in a cave above the valley and sold his soul to the devil, and the evil little spirits, parkeljni, who rattle their chains as they lie in wait for naughty children.
Students said that, as word spread that a gunman was moving through the school, they were told to barricade themselves in classrooms, lie on the floor down and wait for help.