These institutions are generally unregulated, and are often non-profit organisations whose origins lie with church groups.
In fact, more influence over the central bank is likely to lie with lobbyists and lawmakers.
So, sadly, the best hope for a workable restructuring may lie with the banks themselves.
Responsibility may lie with the person but other agencies such as government or employer may be equally responsible.
When scandal breaks, the blame should lie with a few rogue employees who have ignored the corporate culture.
Its loyalties in fact, lie with Amal, another Shiite political and paramilitary group.
Their loyalties may lie with their mother, and they believe she will be offended if they acknowledge their stepmother.
The problem in the army does not lie with the medical service it lies with the chain of command.
Mr Bush has already said that the choices about how to rebuild New Orleans lie with the city's inhabitants.
Mr Ahern's hopes seem now to lie with a subsidised savings scheme that pays out over the next year.
ECONOMIST: Ireland's unpopular government: Bertie's blues | The
In the long-term, the opportunities lie with companies exhibiting a drive toward increasing efficiency, for example, through mergers and acquisitions.
Rusty Hefner, director of market analysts at, says that part of the blame for that may lie with dealers.
The answer seems to lie with more and better policing - but what constitutes "better" policing is still up for debate.
BBC: Who, What, Why: What happened to crime in New York City?
The blame does not lie with the doctors, it is our fault for designing an incentive plan that works as designed.
Our primary economic asset continues to lie with entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability.
FORBES: It will take more than a recession to keep the country down.
In this case, the blame would lie with the underlying mood disorder, but antidepressants "take the fall" by being associated with depression.
Better to skip the carnival atmosphere and move to the craps table, where your fortunes lie with the shooter of the dice.
South Yorkshire Police said they were supporting the Needham family "but primacy for the investigation will always lie with the Greek authorities".
Or does the problem lie with the politicians who redistribute the wealth and the citizens who have failed to supervise their politicians?
FORBES: The War Against Big Banks Is A War Against Your Mind
Miss Uranbileg believes that the roots of the problem lie with poverty.
ECONOMIST: The street children are the symptom of a bigger problem
This case is a perfect example of the problem outlined by Darrell Huff in his classic book, How to Lie With Statistics.
FORBES: How to Lie With Statistics, Women and Child Care Edition
Now Mali's hopes lie with the French, who intervened on Friday January 11, after months of diplomatic wrangling at the U.N. and elsewhere.
Security expert John Pike, director of, thinks power in the Arctic may lie with whoever has the best physical access to this forbidding region.
If citizens are allowed to lie with impunity or encourage others to tell false stories or hide evidence, judges and juries cannot reach just results.
Those functions currently lie with ministers, but Mr Andrews was concerned about the system since it allowed a single objector to hold up the process.
Responsibility for the information that we have transmitted today and for any further action now lie with the Congress as provided for by the Constitution.
CNN: Transcript: Spokesman Bakaly on delivery of Starr report
Does the future of exploration lie with such privately funded efforts?
While formal authority on particular issues, such as immigration policy, would still lie with the home agency, this group could better coordinate activities and pool resources.
The report suggests the future of counter intelligence may not lie with spies but with hi-tech ways of collecting information, called measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT).
Dedio knows that the best earnings growth prospects will always lie with smaller companies, so he sifts for ones that have sterling outlooks, regardless of the megatrends.