That left the state in the hands of Mr Weld's loyal lieutenant-governor, Paul Cellucci.
Mr Carnahan is finishing his second term as governor, and before that was lieutenant-governor under Mr Ashcroft.
Paul Cellucci, Mr Weld's faithful lieutenant-governor, will become acting governor for the rest of Mr Weld's term.
The Lieutenant-Governor, His Excellency General Sir John McColl, will also become a Commander of the Order of St John.
In fact, the governor has less power over the budget than Mr Craddick and David Dewhurst, the lieutenant-governor, who chairs the Senate.
ECONOMIST: Texas Republicans have power at last��and problems
California's lieutenant-governor and Assembly speaker are Latino, as are many mayors (including the mayor of Los Angeles) and members of school boards.
Now she may face Bill Halter, Arkansas's lieutenant-governor, in a May primary.
ECONOMIST: A spirited scramble for suddenly open Democratic seats
Whoever wins the primary, Miss Reno and Mr McBride have hinted they might team up afterwards on a joint ticket for governor and lieutenant-governor.
Mr Paterson, a state legislator for two decades before he became lieutenant-governor, is as much a product of corrupt Albany as of the Harlem Clubhouse.
With a majority in the state senate and, in Rick Perry, the first Republican lieutenant-governor in Texan history, the party is well-set to push its agenda through.
And on July 28th Mr Weld resigned as governor in order to dedicate himself full-time to fighting Mr Helms, leaving Massachusetts to Paul Cellucci, his loyal lieutenant-governor.
Last year liberal eyebrows were raised when Gavin Newsom, the Democratic lieutenant-governor, journeyed to deeply Republican Texas, along with several Republicans, to uncover the secret of the Lone Star state's job-creation record.
ECONOMIST: California��s Republicans: Fading into irrelevance | The
For Democrats in the state, the ultimate humiliation came when the last great Democratic power-broker, the former lieutenant-governor Bob Bullock, who had dominated Texas politics for four decades, threw his support behind Mr Bush.
John Sharp, the state comptroller and the Democratic candidate for that powerful post (the lieutenant-governor, under the constitution, has most power to make or break bills), faces a formidable Republican opponent in Rick Perry.
Bob Bullock, the Democratic lieutenant-governor, retires next year.
For lieutenant-governor they chose Timothy Kaine, the mayor of Richmond, a city with an almost comical history of mismanagement, and for attorney-general Donald McEachin, who is a personal-injury lawyer (and thus loathed by many businessmen).
Beverly Perdue, North Carolina's lieutenant-governor, and Pat McCrory, the Republican mayor of Charlotte, are squabbling over issues as broad as the economy and as local as public safety and whether North Carolina should take other states' rubbish.
ECONOMIST: Gubernatorial candidates are waging their own battles
He has tried to soften his tone, but he has not been helped by the Republican nominee for lieutenant-governor, Jay Katzen, who wants a straight ban on abortions, a prohibition of same-sex marriage and a roll-back of Virginia's restrictions on hand-gun purchases (which Mr Earley supported).
The newcomers include Jennifer Granholm (who won the governorship of Michigan in 2002), Rod Blagojevich (Illinois, 2002), Jim Doyle (Wisconsin, 2002), Kathleen Sebelius (Kansas, 2002), Bob Holden (Missouri, 2000), Tom Vilsack (Iowa, 1998) and Joe Kernan (who stepped up from lieutenant-governor of Indiana on the death of Frank O'Bannon, another moderate Democrat, earlier this year).
If Blagojevich is removed from office, the new governor -- the current lieutenant governor, Pat Quinn -- could make an appointment to the Senate, possibly Burris.
He would have been the first black lieutenant governor - in the normal course, the first black governor.
You can see why this impolitic ex-lieutenant governor did not last long as a politician.
Gov. David Paterson, New York's first black lieutenant governor--who is also legally blind--is set to be sworn in as the state's 55th governor on Monday, and is in line to serve out the remainder of Spitzer's term, which runs until the end of December 2010.
" That said, when asked if he would actually wear the glasses himself -- you know, in public -- the lieutenant governor replied, "I haven't seen the video yet, so I'll withhold judgment until I see myself.
CNN: Sergey Brin finally lets someone else wear Google Glass
We're making real progress for our vets -- like those with us today, including Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, the highest-ranking elected official in the nation who has served a tour of duty in Iraq.
Another contender is Michael Steele, the African-American former lieutenant governor of Maryland who is regarded as the best communicator of the bunch.
However, labor leaders and interim Mayor Ed Lee -- who was appointed in January, after his predecessor became lieutenant governor, and is now seeking election -- co-opted Mr. Adachi's pension reform initiative and performed thrombotic surgery.
For the past two days, Valero had been in contact with the Texas Department of Public Safety and the lieutenant governor's office--both of which understood that there could be no return to normalcy until gas was available again.
The younger Chafee faces Democrat Bob Weygand, a two-term congressman and former lieutenant governor.