Those primeval life-forms use a simple type of cellular pump that pushes sodium out of the cell while pulling positively charged protons in.
Do toys, especially dolls, have DNA just like organic life-forms?
It takes a close look at the physical features and natural processes that shape the incredible plant and animal life to be found underwater as well as life-forms exposed by the tides.
Right here on Earth, surprisingly hardy life-forms have been found inside hot underground rocks, around scalding volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean, in desiccated Antarctic valleys and deep beneath polar ice.
According to Brian Stableford, writing in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, the definitive reference on the genre, Camille Flammarion was the first author to present a popular fictional portrait of truly alien life-forms.
He said he spotted a few small, as-yet unidentified life forms but found the depths to be a "sterile, almost desert-like place".
Few of us, however, think about how silicon-based life forms interact with one another.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Silicon-based life forms now make short work of tasks that once took us many man hours to accomplish.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Our romance with computer technology, or as I call it, silicon-based life forms, began in 1947 with the transistor.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Our battle for control over the behavior of silicon-based life forms begins with the battle to control their identities.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Fortunately, silicon-based life forms can even help us do the hard work of managing the tools with which they communicate.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Rather than taking control of us, as the man-versus-machine plotline would have it, silicon-based life forms can actually help us better control them.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
But as computer society has evolved, many machines have quietly declined to speak with us, preferring instead to communicate with like-minded life forms.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
We will serve silicone-based life forms and they will serve us.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
In contrast, it took carbon-based life forms (us) four billion years to evolve from the humble amoeba to a species capable of imagining and creating Watson.
FORBES: Cyber Security And The Rise Of The Silicon-Based Life Form
Sensors near Trent's cameras will show how hot the conditions are near multi-celled life forms to make sure they are found in extremely hot rather than jets of cooler water.
Rather than fight googly-eyed martians, however, you help spread life to the Red Planet, planting a variety of seeds which in turn grow a variety of plant-life, and awaken other forms of life, as you traverse the depths.
Cari Lynn, a young writer who spent two years as a clerk at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, finds a world populated by larger-than-life characters, high-stakes risk-taking, and excess in all its forms.
New York Life is in the process of hiring 3, 000 agents, as stock-wary investors have turned back to traditional forms of savings such as life insurance.
Since such organisms (simple yeasts or bacteria) would carry a brand-new genetic code, they would in effect be new life forms.
If exploitation has only just begun of life forms found in hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and similar deep-sea formations like mud volcanoes and brine pools, the same cannot be said for seamounts.
Also, that the health board review its end-of-life care, with specific reference to completion of Do Not Resuscitate forms, and that it issues the dead man's family a full and sincere apology.
For Deacon, the answer has to lie in a closer look at self-organizing processes and how the origins of life and consciousness are rooted in the constraints that bind and shape these processes as they build from the simplest self-assembly of molecules up to the emergence of the first life forms.
Sam Worthington stars as a former Marine paralyzed from the waist down offered the chance to have a healthy body again by becoming an "avatar" -- a 10ft tall, blue-skinned creature genetically engineered to resemble the planet's humanoid life forms.
CNN: Will James Cameron's 3D 'Avatar' change cinema forever?
Micro-organisms on Earth are much more common in fresh water than acidic water, and so rather than Mars just having been a potential haven for some extreme forms of life, Curiosity's discovery means that Mars had -- and still preserves evidence of -- environments that were habitable for an enormous variety of micro-organisms that thrive on our own planet.