So do the zero-growth, sustainable-growth, right-to-die, duty-to-die, life boat bio-ethicists who dominate so much of our intellectual discussion.
No one on the boat suffered life-threatening injuries, he said.
For a peep into everyday Bangkok life, catch a boat during morning rush hour when smartly-dressed commuters jump off and on the regularly-stopping boats as easily as though they were on a bus.
What makes life different for a Boat Race cox is that, uniquely over this stretch of water, the crews are side by side, with nothing separating them except the view of the umpire.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Boat Race 2003 | Little things count
One second, I was texting my husband farewell (the island didn't have cell service), and the next, I was gripping the side of the boat, life vest pulled tight, water whipping my face.
"One thing you can't teach is experience, and I have a boat load of life's experiences, " he said.
Fishermen in a passing boat saved her life when they plucked her out of water filled with debris.
The engine of the Sparviero, a purposeful tub of a fishing boat, shudders into life.
The family boards a boat to their new life, with some of the animals being shipped out too.
He knows that would break his father's heart: the old man fished all his life to pay for their crab boat, Koseimaru.
As more water flooded the boat, the captain threw life preservers to the Suskis.
An Arkansas law dictates that children under 13 must wear a life jacket when riding in a moving boat, unless it is a houseboat.
If the boat did not have a life raft, the chances of survival are slim, said Mario Vittone, a recently retired Coast Guard helicopter rescue swimmer and a marine safety specialist.
Were I to portray this with a visual image it would have to be that of a boat in a lock: life is slowly and ineluctably raised by time seeping in from all sides.
The boat, which has paddles and cork life jackets, was made by Bournemouth-based artist Miroslav Lucan.
Soon, we would be back to normal life, waking up not to get in the boat and watch the sunrise, but to eat a quick breakfast and get the kids to school.
My life became violent and I ended up living in a boat on the river.
The authors of the report, commissioners Benjamin Tang and Michael Lunn, described themselves as "astonished and deeply dismayed" that the department had also failed to enforce regulations requiring boat operators to have an adequate number of life jackets on board for both adults and children.
She had been wearing the wrong type of life jacket, which resulted in her being pinned beneath the boat.
The police report, obtained by CNN affiliate WSAV, says Ferrelle filed a criminal complaint saying "he feared for his life" after Currington screamed at him and followed him in a boat.
CNN: Country singer Currington posts bail after threat charges
Roth expands it into a rich Louisiana picaresque, ranging far and wide as Benjamin tastes romance in Russia with the wife of an English diplomat (a beguiling Tilda Swinton), comes off second-best in an encounter with a German U-boat, and pursues Daisy, the love of his life, first to New York and then to Paris.
Survivors of the accident said the ferry had been struck by another faster moving boat, and then sank too rapidly for passengers to put on life jackets and exit the vessel.
Laymond decided to get involved in the competition when she heard that the crew representing Edinburgh would have a relay team of transplant patients, surgeons and specialist nurses on its boat to raise awareness for organ transplantation -- something that saved her life six years ago.
Operators and passengers alike can stay safe by wearing a life jacket at all times, and by forgoing alcohol consumption while on or operating a boat.
Floating in a life raft near the vessel were DeGeorge, Paul Ebeling--who had been with DeGeorge when boat number two sank in 1976 and was now the chief executive of a DeGeorge-controlled company--and a third man, Gabriel Falco.
And the fact that his nominal (face value) covered earnings is being compared with my earnings up through 60, albeit indexed by wage growth through age 60, means that I and everyone else in my boat that earns above the ceiling can benefit, potentially big time, from working very late in life.
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Throughout his life, John Walton pursued various business interests, at one time working as a crop duster and later as a boat builder.