First, many people actually enjoy the sense of belonging and the rituals of office life.
One manager she worked with took breaks to write humorous haiku poems about office life.
Technology has allowed work to follow us home and our home life to the office.
One of the biggest changes of 21st-century office life is the ubiquity of gadgets like smartphones and iPods.
Other gear takes the familiar tools of office life to the next level.
Then, at the door, she spotted Ready Freddy, brought to life by attendance office employee William Fulton, and all was forgotten.
Give employees rewards of experiences (dinner for two, an activity for kids) that show you care about their life outside the office.
E-mail disclaimers are one of the minor nuisances of modern office life, along with fire drills, annual appraisals and colleagues who keep sneezing loudly.
Office life in Beijing has changed dramatically since the IBM acquisition.
These days Mr Fischer leads a double life: the office in the morning, then a brisk stroll across the Charles Bridge to the Senate in the afternoon.
As Big Data becomes a fixture of office life, companies are turning to tracking devices to gather real-time information on how teams of employees work and interact.
The gatherings, along with running March Madness betting pools and other activities, help reclaim some of the lost camaraderie of office life, says co-founder Lance Somerfeld of Manhattan.
Everyone knows how distracting life at the office has become.
But it could also lead to a tricky transition period as millions of us adapt to a new world in which almost every aspect of office life can be lugged around in our laptops.
Thus, the choice Americans will have to make this Fall is pretty straightforward: Accept the claimed "strength" of a man who has spent his entire public life seeking higher office on a platform of accommodation of our adversaries and opposition to the policies and programs aimed at defeating and destroying them.
They are the only members of any branch that hold their office for life.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
These themes run right through many aspects of contemporary life: school, office, the home.
They receive their commissions in lieu of overtime and enjoy a largely autonomous work-life outside of an office.
And with no yen to spend the rest of his life in the law office, he lobbied O'Quinn and got the job of managing the collection.
Lord Drayson, former science minister who set up the Office for Life Sciences, told the Today programme's Evan Davis that "we need to recognize that it is not possible to develop new medicines without doing research".
An ideal solution for many small business environments, it's ideally suited for life outside the traditional office -- such as the portables found on many construction sites or for field sales reps that commute from location to location, visiting the home office only occasionally.
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Fox's domestic distribution president Chris Aronson said he believes the movie will have a long life at the box office, noting that audiences gave it an average grade of A according to market research firm CinemaScore, and there are no more family-friendly films until "Monsters University" opens June 21.
Life and pensions firm Standard Life has opened its first office in the Middle East.
But unlike "Womenomics, " the 2009 book by Claire Shipman and Katty Kay, "Seven Pearls" isn't as much about workplace dynamics as it is about life outside the shop or office.
WSJ: WRITING ON THE WALL��Investing in Real Life: Sugar Daddies, Alcoholics and Sick Parents
Due out late next year, the chilling tale of a young American in Europe willing to kill for the good life will star box-office heavyweights Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow.
In addition to motherboards and graphics cards, GIGABYTE further expanded its product portfolio to include notebook and desktop PCs, datacenter servers, networking products, mobile handsets, and home entertainment devices to serve each facet of the digital life in the home and office.
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Resurrected demons and resurrected dinosaurs are helping to put some life back into the weekend box office.
Eight out of 10 said they would still enjoy going into the office for the social life.