Programming is assessment-driven and may include treatment, education, job training and placement, life skills training, financial literacy, and a myriad of other services structured to help each individual become self-sufficient.
The grant would provide national NGOs with funds for the establishment of community learning centers for literacy and life skills training in Iraq in partnership with national authorities and the Ministry of Education during the upcoming 2011-2012 school year.
Interactive multimedia content is developed and used to support vocational and life-skills training, to provide right-based information to poor girls and women and to build their awareness of health issues and livelihood opportunities.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
Gerard Pantin, a Roman Catholic priest and Mr. Wes Hall, a Barbadian cricketer, to establish SERVOL. Since then, SERVOL has been implementing intergenerational, family and community-based life and vocational skills training, enterprise development, psychosocial counselling, educational and empowerment projects in disadvantaged and marginalised urban and rural communities.
UNESCO: Adolescent Development Programme
In parallel, participants receive training to develop life skills and productivity accredited by the National Training Service (SENA).
UNESCO: Integral School Literacy Programme
The vast majority of life coaching practices is based on the talents, training and skills of one or a handful of life coaches.
FORBES: How Life Coaches Become Very Wealthy (Part 3 of 3-part Series)
It is the best opportunity they have for getting the training to develop skills they need to earn a good income later in life when they will have more financial obligations.
WSJ: Dwight Lee: A Higher Minimum Wage��but Not for Interns in Congress