"I have been blessed in my life to spend the majority of the last 10 years of my life working on the story of Billy Elliot, " said Daldry, calling it a "long, extraordinary journey".
In so many ways, the stories of the women in my life reflect the broader story of women in this country -- a story of both unyielding progress and also untapped potential.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating the White House Council on Women & Girls
Only a year later, their song "The Story of My Life" hit the U.S. country music charts.
This was just the first of many occasions when her life story provided a context for my own career in the foothills of political journalism.
One of my foremost mentors in money and life shared a story with me, a confession of sorts that illustrated he valued money above the foremost relationship in his world.
Yet, like most Americans, I was ignorant of the Jamestown story, even though I'd spent much of my life in Virginia.
"I think it's a matter of finding the right story to tell and carving out 16-18 months of my life to do it, " he says - adding he would want to make it independently to retain control "without the studio meddling with any creative aspects".
See, with Barack I found a real connection, because in his life story I saw so much of my own.
And understand this -- with Barack, I found a real connection, because in his life story, I saw so much of my own.
And the thing about Barack for me was that I found that real connection with him because in his life story, I saw so much of my own, truly.
"The first story I ever told at The Moth was about taking my father off of life support, " said Daisy Rosario, who works as a producer of the live Moth shows and hosts her own storytelling show called Sunday Stories.
Five cameras and as many years later, I invited the world to see scenes from my son's first years-because the story of Gibreel's early life is also the story of Bil'in's resistance.