The tall and wide buildings still look distinctly Victorian from the exterior, with light-coloured brick and red-roofed spires.
Police say he was last seen wearing dark trousers, a light shirt, light-coloured jacket and a trilby hat.
He was wearing a light-coloured hat with a dark band, Burberry-type scarf, green jacket, blue jeans and white trainers.
Officers are also trying to find the driver of a light-coloured car seen to swerve to avoid the woman lying in the road.
One was wearing a light-coloured hooded top and tracksuit bottoms, while the other was wearing a dark hooded top with yellow writing on the back.
The vehicle involved was a small, grey or light-coloured hatchback and officers said it was "likely to have front-end damage as a result of the collision".
The story goes that a man, riding a horse-drawn cart, said he was close enough to see that the woman was wearing a light-coloured dress and a bonnet with a ribbon.
This is clear most notably in the case of industrial melanism, a process that turned light-coloured moths sooty black so that they would match their daytime perches in the polluted cities of the industrial revolution.
Another example of his unorthodox thinking is his observation that painting the roofs of buildings around the world white and using light-coloured road surfaces rather than blacktop would reflect a lot of sunlight back into space possibly enough to have an effect on global warming as big as taking every car in the world off the road for a decade.
Viscount David Linley, son of the late Princess Margaret, designed the light-filled, cream-coloured, see-and-be-seen room.
He was wearing skinny fit tan chinos, a slim fit T-shirt which was light coloured with a logo on the front and a medium-blue zipped hooded top, which was open.
In summer, the headlands light up with pink thrift and plum-coloured heather, attracting rare moths and butterflies.
While it hibernates, the Orbit will continue to serve as a landmark, illuminated by coloured spotlights, and from time to time there will be a 15-minute light show.