His mother calls from the kitchen and tells him to light the fire and put the meat on the grill.
At night, by the light of a fire out in the open, Pereda whiled away the time recounting adventures that had taken place exclusively in his imagination.
In his view, companies that survive throughout the ages are those that are prepared to light a fire under the status quo.
The goal, several officials tell us, is to light a fire under the Iraqi Governing Council.
He started with the small quatrefoil lights of the Holy Spirit and the crucifixion, proceeding down through the main panels of Christ and his followers on the mountain, with all the way the white shaft of God's transfiguring light growing broader through the fire-and-storm colours of the glass.
Privately, several officials also said Bremer was carrying a stern message from the president that it is time, as one put it, to "light a fire" under the council, whose work, in the view of the White House, has been stalled by personal, ethnic and religious rivalries.
Public health experts are hoping to light a fire under the cause.
The baby's father, the shop owner, had apparently left the car door open and ignition on so he could light a fire indoors before bringing in the baby.
The red Fire Warning light is bad news when it lights up, but you can silence the alarm bell by pressing it.
They sold more than 100 million albums worldwide and Manzarek became one of the best-known keyboardists of his era, his artistry colouring tracks like Riders on the Storm and Light my Fire.
Gantner has spent every day of the last six months on the road, doing demos in schools, toy stores, shopping malls, street corners anywhere he can pull in the kids and light a fire.
Gantner has spent every day of the last six months on the road, doing demos in schools, toy stores, at scout meetings, shopping malls, street corners anywhere he can pull in the kids and light a fire.
The Doors have sold more than 100 million records and songs such as "Light My Fire" and "Riders On the Storm" are still "classic" rock favorites.
The two vehicles were stopped at a red light when a person in the Range Rover Sport opened fire.
The band was to perform its chart-topping hit, "Light My Fire, " but Sullivan didn't want the word "higher" sung on the show.
Musically, Manzarek's spidery organ on "Light My Fire" is one of the most instantly recognizable sounds in rock history.
In his latter years, Manzarek played in other bands and, in 1998, wrote a best-selling memoir, Light My Fire: My Life with The Doors.
'Course, industry analysts are suggesting that regulators wouldn't really go through with shutting it down, but if nothing else, this should light a fire under Sprint to expedite the process.
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Both have been called out for their roles in the housing bubble but their absence during much of the implementation of the financial overhaul will further light a fire under a growing resistance to reform.
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But, hopefully, it'll light a fire under developers to get with the program.
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Police suspected arson after the fire started when rubbish caught light in an alleyway and spread to the buildings.
Still, many real-estate agents will continue to fire up the oven or light a few candles on open-house day.
One thing is does rather do though is light a small fire under a general contention of the British left.
So light a camp fire, take a dip in the river, watch for otters or freshwater turtles and enjoy the seasonal produce (including homemade beer) made on the premises.
Heat a gas grill to medium-high or light a charcoal fire and let it burn just until the coals are covered with gray ash.
From fire and the wheel down to the light bulb and the iPad, we mark the march of history by the steady beat of transformative innovations.
The band famously defied Ed Sullivan's request that they not sing the lyric "higher" when they performed "Light My Fire" on his show in 1969.
He also wrote a memoir, "Light My Fire, " and a novel, "The Poet In Exile, " in which he imagines receiving messages from a Morrison-like artist who had supposedly died.
"Though we didn't make it to the finish line tonight, the values we fought for and the communities we seek to improve will continue to light a fire in us, " he said.
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The best you'll be able to do is hang on to a light pole, and while you're hanging on, the fire ants from all the mounds -- of which there is two per yard on average -- will clamber up that same pole.