The resale program has pumped some unused tickets back into circulation, but it is lightly used.
Feed your pet only lightly before getting in the car -- pets can become carsick.
Three Australian soldiers on a mentoring mission were seriously wounded and two Afghan troops lightly injured.
To prepare each pizza, place a ball of dough on a lightly floured surface.
"The problem is that so-called 'historic' rapes are being let off too lightly, " she adds.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | How can a rapist only be cautioned?
Add the salt and simmer for 60 minutes or until the broth lightly thickens.
The viaduct occupies the air and lingers in the sky, only lightly tethered to the ground.
WSJ: A Concrete Ribbon Through the Clouds | Millau Viaduct | Masterpiece by Joseph Giovannini
Lightly mist a 12-cup Bundt pan with vegetable oil spray, then dust with flour.
CNN: Food Central - Recipes - Incredible Melted Ice-Cream Cake
"I would never recommend that the President of the U.S. use force lightly, " she says.
Mr. Di Rupo, appearing in parliament Thursday to defend the austerity proposals, lightly scolded the unions.
Ultimately, she adds, merchants that adopt a surcharge should "tread lightly" by gauging initial consumer response.
Loyalty to any track record less than half a century should be held lightly.
Turning away, he talks rapidly and lightly, praising Beethoven, always Beethoven, complete with opus numbers.
Other works have marine references that shimmer with lightly layered, translucent streaks of paint.
WSJ: Becoming Mark Rothko | The Decisive Decade | Columbus Museum of Art
Yet the decision to tread lightly on financial malfeasance might cost Romney the election.
Lightly advertised low-price brands should become more prominent, as companies appeal to budget-conscious consumers.
That also means it will be hit relatively lightly by the new Basel 3 capital rules.
Saying the last year or so has been eventful at Iomega is putting it lightly.
Below are some excerpts from our conversation, edited lightly for the sake of brevity.
FORBES: Meet Dan Roth, The Man Behind LinkedIn's Drive to Become a Media Powerhouse
Senior reserve Robert Thurman pumped his fist lightly, just thankful for a chance to play again.
Asda has said the decision was not taken lightly but was due to changing needs.
When Romania banned inter-country adoption, agencies moved to lightly regulated Moldova and then Ukraine.
He began slapping his thigh lightly, rhythmically, like someone getting ready to move vigorously.
Place the dough in a bowl that has been lightly oiled and cover tightly.
Roll out the larger dough ball on a lightly floured work surface to a 17-inch round.
"You want a nice mix of dark and lightly charred kernels, " Mr. Anderson said.
WSJ: Josh Habiger and Erik Anderson's Elote Corn Salad With Piment��n-Mayo | Slow Food Fast
Watts was modern and just lightly futuristic in gun metal gown with an asymmetrical bodice.
He was lightly booed every time he touched the ball in the first three quarters.
Public health experts recommend lightly misting indoor and outdoor hard surfaces before gently sweeping ash.
Witnesses at the scene said at least three other people were lightly injured in the attack.