The 37-year-old Rodriguez has been as much a lightning rod for back-page fodder and the subject of Major League Baseball investigations as he has been a force on the field since joining the Yankees in 2004.
But ever since disgruntled IBM employees brought the issue to public attention, the movement by major corporations to convert traditional defined-benefit plans to so-called cash-balance pension plans has been a lightning rod for workers'--and particularly baby boomers'--growing anxiety over their retirement incomes.
After Tyreek Duren's two foul shots tied it 74-all at the 1:07 mark, Mississippi star and team lightning rod Marshall Henderson missed an off-balance bank shot that would have given the Rebels the lead.
Not only has Guantanamo Bay become a lightning rod for America's critics -- it's no prize for America's taxpayers, either.
Inside America and out, he was a lightning rod but also the acknowledged fix-it man at a time of enormous creative destruction.
For the Mahathir-Soros debate has become a lightning rod for the pros and cons of openness to the world and the constraints it imposes on individual nations.
Woods remains a lightning rod for controversy, much like our second highest-ranked athlete, LeBron James.
FORBES: Tiger Woods Is Still The World's Most Powerful Athlete
And without the victimhood, Tesla is just another brilliant mind floating between the folds of history, rather than a lightning rod for channeling contemporary resentment and sublimating it into a cultish badge self-reaffirmation.
FORBES: There Is No God, There Is No Devil, And Innovation Is The Work Of Multitudes
Glacier Girl, a P-38 Lightning dug up from under the ice in Greenland, is the crown jewel of Rod Lewis' warbird fleet.
The move comes on the heels of European-wide steps last Thursday to address top management pay, which has been a lightning rod for public anger across the world since the financial crisis.
But Mr Valder promises to be a lightning rod for other dissident Liberals, in a campaign where the coalition will be running neck-and-neck with the opposition Labor Party.
ECONOMIST: John Howard is facing attacks from unexpected corners
Then on Saturday night, Marcus Agius took a personal decision to become the lightning rod for the criticism, to protect Barclays and Mr Diamond, so he decided to resign - which he told colleagues about on Sunday morning and was confirmed yesterday.
Use current ownership as a lightning rod, reduce ticket prices, and toss in the old chestnut of substantial transfer funds and what self-respecting Arsenal fan could not be seduced by the notion of new owners?
FORBES: Congratulations Your Takeover Bid For Arsenal Arrived A Decade Late