During our poverty tour last year, we met countless people caught in vicious cycles of looking for nonexistent jobs because their unemployment benefits were expiring or had run out, scraping change together for gas to go on interviews that may or may not pan out, and having to swap food stamps for cash to keep the lights or gas on in the house.
CNN: Promise of the American Dream is broken
Long after the sun had set and all the lights were on in my house, I could see that the car was still there.
NEWYORKER: Wakefield
We were on some vague level aware that house lights still burned on the far side of the harbor, along the mountainside of Mweelrea.
NEWYORKER: Fjord of Killary
Remember when you went to that Springsteen concert and it was three-fourths over and Bruce told them to throw the house lights on, and you looked around and there were thousands of Springsteen lunatics, sweaty and panting?
WSJ: Brooklyn Nets: Come On, Brooklyn: Turn On the Lights
All the lights were on in my house.
NEWYORKER: Wakefield
We've grown too accustomed to seeing stubborn greats unable to grasp that the house lights have been turned on.
WSJ: Jason Gay: No Fuss, No Muss, All Mariano Rivera
Late last night, there were already lights on at a house on Dante Street in the city's Uptown neighborhood.
NPR: New Orleans Residents Return to a Changed City
Moore carried her sons though the churning water towards a house with lights on.
FORBES: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Superstorm Sandy, and Social Media: A New York City Perspective