• Lily-Mae's family were even more surprised when the discovered that Elton John had recorded a personal message for Lily-Mae while he was on tour in New York.

    BBC: Elton John backs Irish charity single for Lily-Mae

  • As Portia fights her straitlaced colleagues to get Jeremiah in, she also fights the family-unfriendly habits she has learned from her fiercely feminist mother (Lily Tomlin).

    NEWYORKER: Admission

  • Ms. LILY LEDBETTER (Plaintiff): It's affected not only my livelihood, what I did for my family during those years, but it's affected my retirement and my Social Security which I draw, because my retirement was based on the amount of money that I earned, and so is my Social Security.

    NPR: High Court Sets Limits On Sex Discrimination Suits

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